Hi all, this is a difficult topic as I cannot be 100% sure that I am right but I feel if I don't mention this and I am right, I am doing an injustice to the hobby. On the other hand, if I am wrong, I don't want to start a panic which could actually effect the price of genuine muster marks.
I have suspected for quite a while that there are a number of fake muster mark smurfs around. There are a number of reasons that I believe this is the case but the main reasons are:
The marks themselves often look too deep or are quite messy.
The amount of muster marks that have suddenly appeared.
A couple of conversations I have had with what I would consider "very experienced" collectors who also mentioned the two points I mention above.
Being offered almost identical "sets" of muster mark smurfs.
In the past I would have said it was very difficult to have reproduced this mark but these days, I am really not so sure and having experimented myself with just a hot needle it is amazing what can be achieved.
Last weekend I was offered a set of muster mark smurfs from an unknown person, no pics, no prices and a name I did not recognise. I asked for more details and pics but have heard nothing back. This in itself means nothing but I was just wondering if anyone else had had a similar contact lately?
I don't own a "suspect" muster mark but I have seen them in hand but could not compare to a genuine one at the time but I was first concerned about this last year.
This was a difficult topic for me as I do not want to appear to be accussing anyone's muster marks of being fake as I cannot be sure 100% that ANY of them are faked but I do think it would be a good idea for collectors to check their muster smurfs and to at least consider that these may have been faked.
Are the marks particularly deep or the lines not clean and neat? Did you buy a lot of them at the same time?
Of course nobody wants to discover that they own something that is not the genuine article that they thought they were buying and paying out good money in the process but I do believe that for the sake of future smurf collecting, if we as collectors are not sharing information and being honest with ourselves, we haven't got much hope of keeping the fakers from making lots of money out of the hobby.
Has anyone else had these thoughts? I would love to hear other opinions whether the muster marks could or couldn't be faked and possible methods or whether anyone think's their musters could be suspect. I know this is a difficult topic but one that I think is an important one to address.