I know this posting might offend you, but I have a serious problem. For more than two years, I used to send my old mags to a friend living in the U.S., who would use them for himself. I didn't want any money for the mags, but just any clippings of Alicia Keys and Anastacia for my scrapbooks (since due to the high shipping fees, any foreign mag is very expensive here , e.g. a J14 mag costs 9 Euro). Unfortunently, I haven't heard anything from him for more than eight months.

Therefore I just wanted to ask you, if you would be so kind clip out anything on Alicia Keys and Anastacia, which is released in the papers your and your family are reading (you need not buy extra stuff), just before you throw them away, please?
You need not to send me the items by post, but you might bring them along, when we are see each other.
In case, this thread should anyone offend anyone, I might delete it.
Love and thank you so much in advance.