Thanks everyone
I am well, Joaquin. I would say good but I like to be a little naughty sometimes, specially on my birthday

Mr Bunno likes to call my internet friends my imaginary friends. Rae sent me a cute little teddy bear with a t-shirt that reads "My imaginary friend made me do it"
(So next time I'm naughty you all know its her fault ok!) She also sent me a lovely sockel and Trish sent me some really cute little smurfy keyrings and a totem pole for the Indian smurfs.
I had a great day. We went out for lunch and then went to the circus in the afternoon. It was Mr Bunno's mum's birthday too so we had a birthday tea at Mr Bunno's sister's house.
The family gave me some birthday money to bid on a black angry Trudi that ended this morning. I have been after him for a while. It was a lot of 3 Trudis; hangglider, angry and jokey. I won it so I am very happy