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Postby attombomb7 » Sat Nov 27, 2004 5:49 pm
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

WOW!! thanks Karen!!
Image Attom


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Postby Guest » Sat Nov 27, 2004 5:56 pm
LOL I think it is WOW thanks Jocelyn! LOL :)

Postby Tamtam » Sun Nov 28, 2004 5:47 am
Ummmmm, I guess I will be the first to ask for a translation. :? :-? :) I know a little bit of french but not enough to get through that.


Postby Syd Smurf » Sun Nov 28, 2004 7:59 am
I'm the same Tam...I fiddled around in the site but I am totally lost. I would love to buy the series but just couldn't work out the site and need help. If you figure it out please let me know.


Postby Fram » Sun Nov 28, 2004 8:05 am
As far as I can see, on this site (which is nice) you can only take a subscription to the series if you are living in France (not even Belgium!). But when surfing around, you can see what all the fuss is about ('decouvrez les cadeaux', I believe the link was you needed to click on the second page). :banghead: :banghead:
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby Guest » Tue Jan 25, 2005 12:04 pm
I was just talking to my French friend about this the other day, she got me one issue of this and she said she should have paid a subcription for me to be delivered to her mum's in France and then I could have had the whole series. I think it is a bit late now. :(

Postby Syd Smurf » Tue Jan 25, 2005 7:17 pm
I wanted to get the whole series of these too but I wasn't sure how to do it...it's such a shame to miss out on them though as they would of been nice to add to the collection.


Postby jpp » Thu Jan 27, 2005 8:23 am

I'm a french.

I'm subscribed at this collection, but I'm subscribed in september 2004.

The editor starts again all the series starting from number 1 since January 1, 2005. But the old collection continues at the same time.

If somebody is interested by this collection, that it contacts me by mall.
I can buy them one by one, or make a subscription for him and to dispatch him the parcels as soon as a new number appears.

for information:
It leaves a number every 2 weeks.
In subscription, one receives 4 magazines every 2 months.
In subscription, it is necessary to pay carriage costs of 1.80 euros per parcel (1 every 2 months).
Each magazaine coute 5.90 euro.
In subscription N°2 + N°3 coute 3.90 euro.
In subscription, there are 3 gift:
- a goblet with the permier sending
- a bowl with the second sending
- an alarm clock with the 3rd sending.

And in all there will be 32 numbers.

I hope to have to help to you.

Excuse me for my bad English, but I use a translator.

@+++ JPP.

Postby Guest » Thu Jan 27, 2005 8:35 am

One of our members David (XoioX2000) speaks fluent French, so if you need to write in French don't worry because David will help us translate it I am sure. This is a very kind offer and I am sure some of us will be glad to do this. Merci beaucoup. :cheers:

Postby XoioX2000 » Thu Jan 27, 2005 4:42 pm
Bonjour JPP,
Hello JPP

Je suis bien interesse par ton offre! Pour le moment je les ais jusqu'au No 6.
I am interested by your offer. The latest I've got is no 6

Est-ce que tu peux me dire quel est le no actuel de la serie?
Do you know what's the current number in the series?

Si tu veux que je traduise un message pour toi, juste envoie un message privee (click sur PM) et je te le renverrai traduit de maniere a ce que tu puisses le poster toi meme.
If you want some help translating messages, just pm it to me and i'll send it translated back to you so that you can post it yourself

Excuse mon orthographe: c'est pas souvent que j'ecris en Francais!!!
Apologies for my spelling: it's very rare that I write in French these days

Bienvenue sur le Forum!



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Postby Syd Smurf » Thu Jan 27, 2005 5:50 pm

Yes I would be very very interested in subscribing to get the set of these and like Karen said that is a very kind offer from you so a big thank you.

Your English was very good, very clear but since my French is not very good at all maybe David could help me as well to make an arrangement with you as I thought I would miss out on getting these ones.

Nice to hear from you and would be very grateful if you could help


Postby jpp » Fri Jan 28, 2005 6:25 am

XoioX2000 - DAVID :

In this moment, we arrived:
new collection: N°2 - 20/01/05
old collection: N°13 - 21/01/05

I can buy the numbers starting from N°7 to you, as soon as we arrived there.

Syd Smurf - DYAR :

From which number do want them you?
Do you want a subscription?
With which frequency do wish you that I send them to you?
(the more frequent it is, the more the carriage costs will be high! )

I think that it is possible to order directly on the site http://www.journaux.fr/index.php
the new numbers (1, 2...) and to make them dispatch in any country.

I think that the people wishing to have a subscription, does it as soon as possible.

@++ JPP.

Postby jpp » Mon Jan 31, 2005 7:57 am

XoioX2000 - DAVID :
Syd Smurf - DYAR :

---> Do you want that I buy numbers to you?
I think that it would be necessary to start to hurry.

@++ JPP

Postby XoioX2000 » Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:37 am

Yes please: oui s'il te plait.

A partir du no 7 si c'est ok avec toi.
(From no 7)

Dis moi comment tu veus qu'on s'arrange pour les frais.
(Let me know how you want to proceed for the costs)


:dragon: I like the smell of Napalm, first thing in the morning...:dragon:
Check out The Dragon's Cave

Postby Syd Smurf » Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:19 pm

I do not have any of these and would be grateful for any that you can get from series 1 up to whatever is possible.

I am not sure how heavy these would be but since I have wanted these for a while and not been able to get them I will be happy to get what I can from the beginning up as I would like to have them all eventually so let me know what youc an do and what you need from me as far as payment goes.

Thank you so so so much


Postby jpp » Tue Feb 01, 2005 8:03 am
Pour DAVID :

Je pense qu'il faut attendre que la série arrive au N° 7.
Le 4 vient de sortir.

Je regarderais ce soir si il reste des vieux numéros en kiosque.

Pour les frais, je pense qu'il faut faire un virement bancaire internationnel
( dans ma banque ça coûte 5 euros, mais dans certaine banque cela ne coute que 0.5 euros )
Renseignes-toi sur les tarifs de ta banque, sinon il existe l'envoie de cash en recommandé ou le mandat à La Poste.

For Dyar,

I have 3 possibilities for you :

- On the site of the editor, it's possible to subscribe starting from N°1.
If you subscribe starting from N°1, one can make like this:
- I subscribe, I receives the parcel as well as the invoice.
- I you scan the invoice, and you the site with your CB (Visa....) pays directly
- You do not have any more but to pay me the carriage costs to go from France to at home.

I look in kiosk to find you the numbers already left (1 to 4) and if I find them, I buy them to you all, and is:
- I continuous with you bought them in kiosk as the numbers leave (every 15 days).
- I subscribe you starting from N°5.

As I had to explain it higher, these magazines had left until N°6 or N°7 at the beginning of 2004; as I am to subscribe with the revival of September 2004, I thus have the numbers 1 to 6 (or 7) in double.
The only difference is the price, each magazine cost 1 euro moreover. But I sell them to you at the normal price.

it is as you want.
I await your answer.

@++ JPP.

Postby Syd Smurf » Tue Feb 01, 2005 8:31 am

If you have spare copies of 1-6 (or 7) then I would like to buy these from you unless you would like to keep these for selling later.

Let me know what would be easier for you as along as I can get these then I don't mind which way it happens.

Thank you


Postby jpp » Tue Feb 01, 2005 8:45 am

OK, I agree to sell my old numbers to you.
I look at tomorrow evening at home which number it remains me exactly, and I hold you informed.

@++ JPP

Postby XoioX2000 » Tue Feb 01, 2005 11:19 am
Pour DAVID :

Je pense qu'il faut attendre que la série arrive au N° 7.
Le 4 vient de sortir.

Je regarderais ce soir si il reste des vieux numéros en kiosque.

Pour les frais, je pense qu'il faut faire un virement bancaire internationnel
( dans ma banque ça coûte 5 euros, mais dans certaine banque cela ne coute que 0.5 euros )
Renseignes-toi sur les tarifs de ta banque, sinon il existe l'envoie de cash en recommandé ou le mandat à La Poste.
JPP: je peus payer par cheque en Euros d'une banque Francaise (pas de frais pour toi ni pour moi).

Parfait pour moi si tu veux attendre qu'ils arrivent au No 7.


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