Oh, Beers, one can never have enough cats!!Don't encourage her Sharon, she might get more

The most I have had at any one time is 7 - Bootsie (black girl with white socks and bib); Peter (ginger and white boy); Jake (grey and white boy); Sandy (torty - like Rachels' Chitter); Chipper (grey and white girl); Kitty (tabby and white girl) and finally, Fluffy (grey and white long-haired girl). Plus, during this time, I did a lot of voluntary work for Cats Protection and came into contact with loads and loads of puddy cats!!!

Next came: Bonnie (another tortie like Chitter) and then Sophie (a beautiful Siamese). While I had these two darlings, I worked at a cat shelter. So again, I would come into contact on a daily basis, with loads and loads of cats. It was at this shelter that I met Bonnie and Sophie.

To those of you who aren't keen on our feline friends, can I just say that, in their defence, until you have had the pleasure of living with and fully interacting with a cat, you can't really know what they are really like. My ex-partner never really understood my fascination with the feline until I brought home Bonnie and she feel madly in love with her. She actually said to me "I now understand why you love cats so much!"

And now, I am catless

Do you get the impression that I love cats??