Hi at all,
I had recently won this lot (Sorry Tine for having overbidded you). It arrived today:
http://cgi.ebay.de/Seltene-Schluempfe_W ... dZViewItem
There are two marking variations (I had never thought I would once care about that... ) for me in the lot: West Germany Schleich pupil and Applause TM CE umbrella smurf (interesting marking by the way). But three other smurfs of that lot are far more interesting:
1. a green Quacksalber with silver cap without markings. I guess it is a polish fake? Or does anyone here know more about him?
2. a faked hangglider. He has no markings and the back of his wings are completly red, the material is different. Any information about him (polish too?) ?
3. The weirdest smurf in the lot: The indian with different feathers. He looks (shoes, trousers, blue back of his head) like the Hong Kong variations and even has the marking:
But his feathers are in the colours red, black and light green...The only possibility for me to explain that would be that the smurf is a repaint...But the feather lying down is completly white and not black like the normal HK indian. The feather's green by the way looks nearly the same as the quacksalber's green...
So, if anyone here has any information about one of these smurfs, please tell me...Especially the indian is confusing me...