I thought it might be fun to see what everybody considers a variation
Do you collect "only" the "real" color variations like the yellow glass Brainy, black glass Brainy, red glass Brainy, no matter the shade or markings?
Do you only want one smurf of each, no matter what marking or color variation?
Do you collect the color variations and also the different markings?
Are you looking for excuses to keep the smurfs, and collect any difference? (even if it is only so slightly as a slightly different shade in blue)
I don't think I need to say which one I picked
I haven't included paint errors or mold numbers in here..I am not sure anybody is collecting mold numbers, but if so, please let us know as this would be interesting to know, I think...and I think everybody is keeping paint errors....but I don't consider them variations, but a bonus