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Postby SmurfingH » Thu Jul 31, 2008 2:30 am
You're a complete nut Daryl! :) :-D

Postby FlamingO » Thu Jul 31, 2008 12:59 pm
:sofunny: That was great Daryl. I was also shocked to read your report about New Zealand, I had always assumed everybody was too far apart for any trouble :eek: :D

Postby Chris McBrien » Thu Jul 31, 2008 1:09 pm
I got a new Nissan "Versa" this June. Since June 6th I have put over 7,500 miles on my new car. Yes, I have been affected by gas prices! Fortunately, my wife and I find it a fun challenge to figure out ways to curb these costs cutting into our personal lives much less our business! We invented a little magic book (teaches science and math in fun, magical-tricky looking ways) to sell after our family shows. Selling these alone has helped make up for what our clients (nor us) knew of the impending gas price hike when these shows were booked last winter!
Phew! (wipe's sweat from forehead) So, so far we haven't been affected TOO badly. However, what has begun to affect is is the cost of FOOD! We've also had to cut back on how much we go out to eat and movies. This has not been very fun, but we're being inventive.
Also, I'm simply working on ways to make MORE MONEY! And that helps!
"To Smurf or not to Smurf...I didn't know there was any question!"

Brainy Smurf

Postby KiwiSchlumpf » Thu Jul 31, 2008 3:11 pm
:sofunny: That was great Daryl. I was also shocked to read your report about New Zealand, I had always assumed everybody was too far apart for any trouble :eek: :D
I shouldn't be dragging people down as I hear its the same everywhere. It just gets me peeved.

Small towns have little employment so you get the layabouts and youth gangs there. Christchurch is the second or third biggest city here but most of the jobs are up north so we get the same elements, just in larger numbers. Wellington is much better IMHO, being the capital it has more jobs, more young professional types and is all rounds a more happening place. Auckland is like a poorly armed, smaller version of LA with high crime, high immagrant population and city sprawl. They have nine different city councils arguing with each other and not getting things done. Race issues are also big with certain elements being victoms of anything the crown has ever done.

The country has grown like topsy in the last 40 years doubling its population from 2 million to 4 people. Unfortunately little has been spent on inferstructure and nowhere has an urban transport system (Aucklanders complain of hours in traffic every day and there is poor bus service and no subway) and every winter we have power crisis. :angry:

On the plus side Christchurch has the best traffic, as there simply isn't much reason to go in to town (most shopping is in suburbs). So I only take 10 minutes to get to work 8 km away. The great outdoors is only an hour or twos drive away. Our tap water is pure. 8)

All these issues would be resolved if Papa smurf was country leader and if we had more smurfs in the country in general!!!! Case closed :-D

Postby attombomb7 » Sat Aug 02, 2008 12:50 pm

things are also slowly going up here in Canada, I think no where near what I see in Europe for food prices, but here its always been cheap, but I think that will soon end, and we will catch up with the rest of the globe.

food has gone up alot , here, and gas too! well gas has tripled or more.

I have two cars, which both are odd, one is a old rust bucket 16 yrs old, and the other is a 1964 Fiat 500 Gardiniera wagon , (good for gas) but I use them only if needed for carrying heavy shopping stuff.

I am 10 minutes from work, and live in the heart of downtown, so I take cabs, which by the way are cheaper then public transit here. go figure!
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Postby Margaret » Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:36 pm
Between my self and my husband we spend over $200.00 a week to get to work and back in gas now :shock: . We have decided this year we will not go on vacation because of the gas and food prices .
Its crazy we are also starting to see a lot of the small town stores closing down witch is really sad . :( :(
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