While I'm posting, The only promo smurfs I know about are the ASB / Malteser smurfs that came out in 2004. This is where they were offered & where I ordered mine from:
click on Aktuelles Angebot & then on Schlümpfe & there they are.
Here is some information about them that Pete at Mushroom Village posted on his website:-
Many of you are familiar with 20054 Malteser Smurf that was produced last year by Peter Neubauer, an avid volunteer for the Malteser Hilfsdienst (Maltese Aid Service). This promo was such a successful fund raiser for Peter that he decided to produce more promo Smurfs to raise money for his charity!
This time, Peter got permission from 2 other charities to produce promo Smurfs bearing their logos. Each charity receives half of the Smurfs produced with their logos, and they are given away to bring smiles to those in need of some Smurfing up, such as children in ambulances. The rest of the Smurfs are sold at a premium to pay for the project, and to raise funds for Malteser Hilfsdienst.
Since these promos were produced by a "regular person," we were treated to some insights into the promo process, compliments of Peter. Thank you Peter for sharing the story behind these Smurfs!!
Peter began by taking regular figurines and gluing small paper logos to the Smurfs where he wanted custom printing to appear on the finished Smurfs. These prototypes were submitted to IMPS, which used digital imaging software to create "virtual prototypes." These were digital images of the Smurf molds to be used; with digital text emulating Peter's desired logo imprints, and custom-colored according to Peter's specifications. These digital prototypes were then sent to Schleich, who produced the actual prototypes and sent them to IMPS for Peter's approval.
Upon Peter's OK, the production was ready to begin!!
The new promos honor the German helping organizations Malteser Hilfsdienst, Malteser Jugend (Malteser Youth), Johanniter Unfallhilfe (Johanniter Accident Assistance) and Deutsches Rotes Kreuz (German Red Cross).