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Which is your favourite 2005 smurf?

Total votes : 36

Postby pekkelien » Fri Dec 03, 2004 9:49 am
love the harmony but isnt the papa smurf a hard look alike on what we had before?

Postby Syd Smurf » Fri Dec 03, 2004 8:38 pm
I totally agree Sven....I like the Harmony Smurf the best because as I have said before I like horny smurfs....like that old song by Raw McCartney & Steve's Wonder "Harmony & Hornery"........and I agree with you about the Papa...I know it's slightly different but I am sure they could of come up with something a bit more different as this will only confuse people I feel, especially newcomers.

Postby Tojo » Sat Dec 04, 2004 2:11 pm
Greetings to all smurf fans and collectors out there,

My favourite has to be Grouchy (or Meckerschlumpf as he's called here in Germany). He looks just like the character in the comic books. He reminds me somehow of Eyore from the Winnie the Pooh stories as he's always got something to complain (meckern in German) about :-)

Postby Fram » Sun Dec 05, 2004 11:42 am
:welcome: Tojo! Nice to have someone more from Germany here (even though you're apparently not German from origin). I hope you'll enjoy the atmosphere here, it can get pretty silly sometimes, but we all love Smurfs!
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby Tojo » Sun Dec 05, 2004 5:59 pm
Thanks Fram,

I've spent quite a while hovering in the background just reading the posts & thought it was about time I participated a bit.

I'm originally from the southwest of England & found my way to Germany following a round the world trip (I met my German wife in Australia).

Postby attombomb7 » Sun Dec 05, 2004 6:18 pm
HI Tojo!


you also picked a nice avatar! havn't seen the Scot smurf one before!

:D :D :D
Image Attom


CHECK out my new website
Hogatha's Fake and licenced Smurfs collection

(my fake smurf collection ):)

Postby Syd Smurf » Sun Dec 05, 2004 8:27 pm
(I met my German wife in Australia).
Ah Australia....the land of love......and dutch ovens apparently

Postby SMURFYSTEVE1 » Sun Dec 05, 2004 8:39 pm
Id love to visit australia and to borrow all of Dyers smurfs er i mean to look at them no i mean to take them er i mean tum de dum hmmmmm 8-) :) :) No its one country id love to visit only one problem i have a fear of snakes i cant even look at a pic without screaming like a woman (no afence girls) and runing a mile and i found out australia has some of the worlds dedlest ones, Expecialy the carrot coloured Dyer one. :) :) :)
Smurfy regards, Steve. :D :D

Postby Tojo » Sun Dec 05, 2004 8:41 pm
Ah Australia....the land of love......and dutch ovens apparently
I must admit I'd never heard of dutch ovens until I'd read the other post. Still, maybe this interesting sport, perhaps until now peculiar only to Oz, could be introduced to Europe.

Postby Tojo » Sun Dec 05, 2004 8:51 pm
Thanks Attom,

I picked the scot avatar as it fitted well with my surname (McWilliams) although our family actually came from Ireland.

On the subject of snakes, In the time I was in Oz I only saw 2 snakes in the wild. Unfortunately one, a brown snake, was living where we were picking grapes so the farmer had to shoot it. Saw loads of spiders though, red backs, huntsmen (great big hairy monsters- but harmless) & vine spiders (very colourful).

By the way does anyone know whether snakes eat smurfs? :shock:

Postby Syd Smurf » Sun Dec 05, 2004 9:05 pm
No idea if snakes eat smurfs but I think Syd better be on his best behaviour otherwise I might find out.

My family have a farm just outside of Sydney where my Grandfather used to breed racehorses..(not personally of course)...and there were a few brown snakes there. I know they lost a few dogs due to bites from snakes there. What scared me the most when I used to go there was one time when I was trying to get the racehorses to chase me as I often did (my mother called that game stupidity)...I was running from them and turned a corner and in front of me was a Frilled-Neck Lizard. I have never seen one of these before and I was only seven at the time...so when I came across it I stopped instantly and must of freaked the lizard out too as he frilled up and hissed at me which scared the living daylights out of me because I wasn't expecting it. I had no idea what it would do so I quickly ran in another direction back to the house. I saw snakes out there a lot but basically they are cool if you leave them alone....most people get bitten by antagonising them or cornering them.

Where I live in Sydney there aren't any snakes but we do get the Red Back spiders and the Funnel Webs about especially in summer. However we have anti-venom for these and the fatality rate is almost non existent these days.

Steve you should come to Australia....you won't see many snakes unless you want to go looking for them....or unless you try to steal my smurfs of course...lol


Postby SA Smurfette » Sun Dec 05, 2004 9:14 pm
Hi Tojo and welcome :)
I've only been a member just over a week myself.

You mentioned you were hovering in the background reading post, I hope we have'nt grossed you out with all the talk of dutch ovens.

I just wanted to assure you I'm a nice girl really and it's all been in fun, we don't really play this game regulary in Australia.

Either Grizz myself and Linda are with the wrong sort of man or Dyar is a real gentleman as he had'nt heard of the dutch oven before. :)

I'm sure you'll like it here as it has heaps of information etc and the people are great! I've had so many late nights this week just browsing through all the posts.


Postby SMURFYSTEVE1 » Sun Dec 05, 2004 9:17 pm
No No No Not snakes anything but snakes ....Spiders ....Scorpians lion tigers and bears oh my, :sofa: :yikes: but SNAKES NOOOOOOOO The very thought of them give me the shivers i feel very faint know errerrrrrrrr :sofa: :yikes: :?
Smurfy regards, Steve. :( :D :(

Postby SMURFYSTEVE1 » Sun Dec 05, 2004 9:27 pm
Yes hi tojo as sa smurfette said it is all one big smurfy family here and heaps of fun and full of usefull info into the world of smurfs weather you just read or post. :D :D
Smurfy regards, Steve. :D :D

Postby Tojo » Sun Dec 05, 2004 9:53 pm
Thanks for the welcome everyone,

The atmosphere here is really great & it's good to see some good down to earth humour (German humour takes a bit of getting used to :-? ). I've missed the British / Australian wit.

I've just remembered something about snakes. My wife & I had only been in Germany for about a week after arriving from Australia & were walking along a path talking about how good it was not to have snakes & other creapy crawlies here when a snake slithered across the path in front of us & disappeared into the bushes :shock:

By the way can somebody please explain to me what all the little stars, smurf heads etc mean under the names in the posts? I haven't managed to find a key to the symbols anywhere.

Postby Syd Smurf » Sun Dec 05, 2004 9:56 pm
I've had so many late nights this week just browsing through all the posts.

Is that because you're too afraid to go to bed Raelene....in case it's dutch oven night'?

I am thinking of changing all of the words from Men At Work's song "Down Under" to a true representation titled "Dutch Oven".....then again the original title could still work couldn't it?...okay I will do it now....here's the original...followed by the Dutch Curry remix.....please forgive me all of you sane people....and I have met Colin Hay who wrote this song quite a few times...sorry Colin....I have ruined a classic.

DOWN UNDER (The Original version)

Traveling in a fried-out combie
On a hippie trail, head full of zombie
I met a strange lady, she made me nervous
She took me in and gave me breakfast
And she said,

"Do you come from a land down under?
Where women glow and men plunder?
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover."

Buying bread from a man in Brussels
He was six foot four and full of muscles
I said, "Do you speak-a my language?"
He just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich
And he said,

"I come from a land down under
Where beer does flow and men chunder
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover."

Lying in a den in Bombay
With a slack jaw, and not much to say
I said to the man, "Are you trying to tempt me
Because I come from the land of plenty?"
And he said,

"Oh! Do you come from a land down under? (oh yeah yeah)
Where women glow and men plunder?
Can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
You better run, you better take cover."

DUTCH OVEN (The Dutch Curry version)

Farting in a fried-out double
Left a shittie trail that would stun a zombie
I met a strange lady, I made her nervous
I forced her head to smell my breakfast
And she said,

Do you come from a land Dutch Oven?
Where women go and get forced under?
Can't you smell, can't you smell the thunder?
You better run, you better take off the covers."

Trying to outfart a woman in Brussels
She won six to four and I pulled a muscle
I said, "Have you heard of the game dutch oven?"
She just let ripped and gave me an eggie sandwich
And she said,

"I come from a land Dutch Oven
Where ear gets blown with a good mean thunder
Can't you smell can't you smell down under?
You better run, you better clean the covers."

Trying to fart in our bed on Sunday
Let ripped a beauty and suddenly felt okay
I said to my wife, "I'm not quite empty
Because it comes from the land of plenty?"
And she said,

"Oh! Don't make me go down under? (oh yeah yeah)
Your butt should be the new 8th wonder?
I can feel, I can feel the thunder?
I wanna run, back to my mother."

Postby Tojo » Sun Dec 05, 2004 10:05 pm
Hahahahahahahaha...lol :jester:

Postby SA Smurfette » Sun Dec 05, 2004 11:08 pm
:) :) :) Very funny

Gee your quick Dyar. Can't believe how quick you come up with these songs etc. :crazy:

It's not dutch oven tonight my husband is still away. :D So i may not be posting much over the next 2 weeks while he's home.

I'm not scared to go to bed I'm just lonely :( but since I've joined this forum I'm not. :carrots:


Postby Syd Smurf » Sun Dec 05, 2004 11:43 pm
Don't tell my boss...she will expect the same type of productivity and enthusiam with the real work.

I am glad we have helped to make you feel not so lonely Raelene...but we will miss you when hubby comes back if you won't be around much....probably best not to tell him about the forum and the dutch oven talk etc.....he may feel you have totally lost it while he was away.


Postby Syd Smurf » Sun Dec 05, 2004 11:51 pm
I'm not scared to go to bed I'm just lonely :( but since I've joined this forum I'm not. :carrots:
That's because everyone here has so much carroter :dancing: and because we have so much that we want to share with each other :fart:

:sheep: :sherlock: :fish: :dragon: :monkey: :carrots: :badger: :hiya:
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