So, I spoke to a very lovely lady at the BBC today about the Smurfs birthday. It will be published on the BBC website tomorrow but i wanted to give you all a heads-up about what I said, just in case anything is changed. I doubt it will be cos she was lovely.
I spoke for about 45 mins, so I'm sure she'll only use a couple of quotes, but it was mainly about Smurf obsessives.
I said that I personally wasn't and that everyone should know where to draw a line, like other collectors of Star Wars and such.
I said that old smurfs were generally considered more popular than the newer ones and why.
I spoke about the characteristcs of the smurfs and why they appealed to people (eg, like PEANUTS and WINNIE THE POOH) we can all associate ourselves with the individual traits etc.
I said about how some people charge silly money for smurfs when, generally, the average smurf costs about 4 pounds, even if it was made years ago.
I mentioned the sisiters fair and how great it was.
The figures this year.
Then spoke about the film and got some inside goss!
That I'm a normal person with a job, mortgage and girlfriend and that I'm not odd, nor do people consider me odd. I just have smurfs. Some people have swarvoski, some collect dinky cars. I have smurfs.
I said that the BSCC was starting agin in celebration on the 50th and that people should get in touch.
I said that as long as people who collected them lived nice, normal lives and didn't go too far with it then there was nothing wrong, and that smurf collectors are some of the nicest people I have met. Any collector can cross the line, but that tells us more about the person... not the smurfs.
I hope this was ok with everyone. It was more a conversation of psycho-analysis of collectors than anything else.