Well, I am having my own problems with the mail right now..and to say I am royally....
..........um mad is the understatement of the month.
Stace and I bought some special Spanish smurfs from a very lovely Spanish seller and she shipped them to me two weeks ago via registered mail. On Thursday, I found a card in my mailbox telling me I had received a registered package and it's at the post office. I signed it and put it back in the mailbox so that the mail lady can leave the package on my porch. She forgot it on Friday....and Saturday.....and today
My regular mail lady is on vacation right now, and her back up used to bring me my mail (or not) and it seems she is up to her old games (being too lazy to drive up my driveway).... I will call the postoffice tomorrow and see what is up
Don't deprive a Moey of her smurfs is all I have to say
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