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Postby Smurfysmurf » Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:52 pm
Mogli scratched one person too many and I was finally convinced that he needs to be declawed. I have tried to find information on it but everything I read on the Internet was negative and everything I was told by friends was positive, so I am really not sure what to expect. He has been getting hung up in furniture with his claws and my carpet is in a very poor condition since he prefers it over the two scratching posts I have in my living room, so I guess it's the correct decision :-?

I know there are many cat lovers and owners on here and I was wondering if anybody can tell me if I have to watch or have to do anything special once Mogli lost his claws. I know I will have to pay extra attention that he won't get outside, but he has been a purely inside cat since he moved in so I think we will be ok in that regard. I have read that the personality of cats will change once they are declawed and they either become more aggressive (God help us all if Mogli becomes aggressive) or completely scared since they no longer have a way of defending themselves.
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Postby SmurfingH » Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:52 pm
It's not something we do over here and it's not usually something we understand. I've lived with cats so I know what you mean about the furniture and the carpets but that's just the way they are. Has he been neutered? That might calm him down a little but otherwise I'd just warn people to keep their distance from him and accept him as he is.

Your decision whatever you do though. :hug:

Postby bwalters » Wed Dec 31, 2008 8:44 pm
I had a cat that was de-clawed once. He just strayed into the yard and wouldn't leave. It was almost comical at first. He came into the house jumped on the coffee table slid to the other end which had a leaf that was up he did a flip and landed right on his back. I really wasn't sure if I had seen it right so I just sat and watched him. He walked around the coffee table which had just been waxed walked over to the couch and jumped up there he didn't realize how high it was and slid right back off again right on his back. He did try to catch himself to no avail he had no claws. What I could believe was he landed on his back. I have never seen a cat land on his back. I picked him up and took him to my bedroom I had a water bed I held him at various heights and droped him everytime he landed on his back. It didn't matter if he was 6inches or two feet up right or upside down always on his back. He was the most lovable cat I have ever seen. would come when you called him and even sometime when you didn't. Most cats are independent not him. He didn't have to lay on your lap but always next to you. I was under the impression that he had just been de-clawed because he did a lot of things like try to climb a tree. Pull on the curtains he usually fell on his back. If he ever landed on his feet I never saw it. Only cat I really ever missed.
Mr Bill

Postby bwalters » Wed Dec 31, 2008 8:57 pm
I got one of those Pedi Paws machines for Max. I need to put a hook in the basement ceiling so I can hang him from it. Not by his neck he wears a harness and he would be held up by his chest then he can't fight so much. I don't know if you could do something like that for a Cat or not. But it is great for a dog. Smooths the claws right up. Probibly wouldn't work on a cat.
Mr Bill

Postby SMURFSTEROCKS » Wed Dec 31, 2008 10:16 pm
Put your foot down and let your cat know you’re the boss of the house. There are ways to teach a cat from right and wrong. I have 2 cats, a boy named Simba and a girl named Stitch (Disney Characters, lol). They know who the boss in my house is. Be a little aggressive with them, they'll love you more for teaching them. My cats know the word "NO" when they are doing something they are not supposed to. Some people don't believe you can train a cat as much as a dog. I am the proof of that. What I say goes when it comes to my pets. I say get in the box; they will go to their kennel. They've never been declawed and they don't mess up my furniture, they don't climb on my furniture either. I go to work and come home and find everything the way it was when I left. Just recently Simba pick up a nasty habit of sleeping on my computer desk, Guess what? He doesn't do it anymore. I put his nose on my desk and said to him "NO, you don't sleep here." about three or four times. He got my drift. Cats will listen if you’re strong and aggressive with them. I have them now for almost 6 years. Never been declawed, never been neutered and never been to the vet. Healthy cats I have ever had and I love them to death.
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Postby Smurfysmurf » Wed Dec 31, 2008 10:39 pm
Thanks everybody for your input. :-D

Bill, I can see Mogli hanging from the ceiling...that cat would fight you to the bitter end :) :)

Mogli is pretty good in listening to me, and he knows the word NO. His problem is that he was left alone a lot in his first year (he is 1.5 years old now) when I was at work and also on a long commute which kept me out of the house for at least 12 hours a day. He is also a very strong-willed cat..much more so than his predecessor, Paulchen. I had heard that putting Tobasco sauce on stuff will keep the cat away, and it worked wonders with Paulchen, but Mogli actually licked that sauce off my fingers...and spraying him with water doesn't work either..he enjoys it :)

The funny thing is that since I made the appointment a few days ago he stopped scratching everything which really makes me rethink the decision. I am sure the vet wouldn't mind if I called to cancel it as he told me declawing is the absolutely last resort he would recommend.

Mogli has become a pretty good cat (despite some urban legends concerning him for which I may be a bit at fault :) ). He was impossible for a few months when he first came to me and I thought I could never teach him anything, but he is also proof that cats can be trained :D The only real problem I have with him is him scratching the carpet and furniture instead of the scratching posts..and him also getting hung up in them and hurting himself.

Just to show how strong-willed and feisty Mogli is...in the summer I let him on the screened in backporch..and I had the dogs out one day (outside the backporch)...Mogli actually chased the dogs away from the porch..of course this story could also prove what sissys the dogs are but I like to think of it as an example of what a feisty cat Mogli is :-D
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Postby SmurfingH » Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:18 am
Mogli is a legend! :-D :)

As you live near some trees, why not bring a branch or two in for him to scratch? That might get his interest and stop him attacking the carpet - for a while anyway. Lean it against the wall and act like it's something valuable in the art world and he's almost bound to want to climb it. :-D Change it regularly. Smelly ones are the best but you might want to leave those on the porch! :) :)

Beautiful cats Smurfster! :smitten: :smitten:

Postby FlamingO » Thu Jan 01, 2009 1:38 pm
I just accept that cats have claws. Ours have a scratching post and loose carpet which they use but it doesn't stop them clawing the sofas, carpet and dining chairs. As an interior designer I hate that my house now looks a s***hole but I love me cats and all my screaming ain't stopping them so :-? they win :cat: :cat: :grinning:. I try and keep the doors shut to certain rooms, but sometimes forget :banghead: Good Luck Maureen :goodluck:

Postby Cassiebsg » Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:04 pm
Declawing would never be a option for my cats, I don't even cut their nails. :lol: You could just try and clip his nails regularly, since cats strach to keep their nails short (and sharp, of course).

I believe that is you tell/show what you consider aceptable and not aceptable to your cat, he'll eventually figure out what he can and should not do... now making him do what you wish him to do, might be tricky. ;) Since some cats will do certain things just to defy you, and what better way todo so than do something they KNOW you don't him to do? Guito used to scratch the living room carpet... he would run away from us, stop at the carpet, wait for us to come and then scratch, then run away as we chaged him all over the house. :lol: :lol: :lol: That was his way to say "I want to play!"

As for other ppl, did they bother Mogli, try to pet him or grab him? Or was Mogli "mean" and scratch them on purpose and "devilish"?
My first cat had this wierd idea to hide under the furniture and then scratch my unsuspecting cousins legs as they went by, but he wasn't mean to go and actually attack anyone. Think he only wanted to play, and in all truth, we used to run and let him chase us... :???: Guito would growl at ppl is he didn't wanted to be bothered, and it worked, everyone was affraid of him, even though he never scratched anyone. And Smokey was peace in full glory (he was also my 1st castrated cat), he would just walk away if he didn't want to be bothered.

Try using lemon or orange pels, cats don't usualy like the smell of it, as it's too intense. Onion might also work, though I read that onion is poison to cats, so if he licks it, then don't use onion.

Never had much of a problem with my cats ruining sofas or curtains, though I'm finding it hard to educate 2 cats at the same time. Think they get confused about who I'm talking to. :lol2:

BTW, you can try and get some sisal carpeting, if your cat preferes carpets to the posts. Also, are those high posts? at least 70cm high of pure poll? Cats want to strech, and a small post may just not be enough for him. Or maye it's not stable enough and flips when he stands against it?
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Postby Cassiebsg » Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:13 pm
almost 6 years. Never been declawed, never been neutered and never been to the vet. Healthy cats I have ever had and I love them to death.
I think you should take your cats to the vets, just for a check in every once in a while, but what do I know. My 1st cat died of kidney stone at age 5, and we didn't even noticed he was sick till it was too late. Guito only went to the vet after he injured him self on a paw, and he was older than 5 years. So I haven't been the best cat owner in history. But since then have all my cats been regularly checked once a year and got their vacines. :-D So I know they are healthy, instead of thinking they are healthy. ;)

PS - They're very cute!!!! :-D :-D
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Postby Smurfysmurf » Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:26 pm
No, Mogli isn't a mean cat, it's more like he doesn't know to keep his claws to himself or to only use them if he ever needs to defend himself.

He uses them when he plays catch with my feet, which doesn't bother me much, but he also uses them when he actually sits on my friends or family's lap. He doesn't scratch them, but they feel his claws "digging" in. Since he only will go on somebody's lap if he feels comfortable with them, I don't think he does do it out of meanness. :-?
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Postby Cassiebsg » Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:44 pm
In that case, I don't thing he even realizes that his claws actually hurt us, poor humans. That may have been due to lack of play with other cats when he was a baby cat, I'm assuming. He probably never reallized that claws do hurt, since he never got clawed by other cats. :-?

I don't consider my cats mean either, even though ocasionaly they have this wierd and painfull (to us) idea that they want to crawl up our bare legs :shock: ... All they want to do is come and say hi. :)

I would go with the nail cliping solution in that case. :D Might help, less expensive and more cat friendly. :) Just make sure you don't cut to much, as cutting into the vein will hurt the cat and make him less cooperative next time you want to cut his nails. If you're in doubt, take him to the vet and let them show you how to do it the 1st time.

PS - My english seems to be getting worse and worse... :???:
There are those who believe that life here began out there...

Postby Smurfysmurf » Fri Jan 02, 2009 7:43 am
Your English is very good, Sandra :D

I've done the nail clipping which Mogli fights with claws and teeth :banghead:

I have always been a firm believer you shouldn't have a pet if you can't handle it...and I have to admit there was a time when I thought I would not be able to handle Mogli, who has been a handful to say the least. However, we have come to a very fine understanding....I let him do a few things I would never have allowed his predecessor to do..and he listens when I say "No" or have that certain look in my eyes. It usually works very very well for us.

Thank you again, everybody for your input and advise. Declawing a cat would have never been an option for me if it was not for the simply question...Do I want to be with a cat with claws but no friends, or do I want to have friends and a declawed cat.

Scratching the furniture is very aggravating, but scratching my friends (even if it isn't out of meanness) is something else and I am not sure how to teach him not to do it since he won't do it with me :-?

I also know that declawing a cat is very unnatural..but so is keepig a purely inside cat :-?
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Postby SmurfingH » Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:27 am
You could suggest to your friends that they sit with a towel or a pillow on their laps at all times in case he chooses them for attention? Then if he uses his claws they won't feel it. Even better if he'll allow them to lift him up to put the pillow underneath. I've had to do this in the past and it works very well. :-D

Friends are easier to train than cats if you ask me! :) :)

Postby Pickle Smurf » Fri Jan 02, 2009 5:44 pm
I never had too many problems with my cat clawing furniture but then I moved to a different house for six months in 2008 and he turned into a serial scratcher. Pickle is also an indoor cat. Anyway, we moved back to our previous home after the six months was up and he was fine again, he looked visibly more relaxed and the clawing became much less. The towel or pillow idea sounds good to me, because maybe he's just more nervous and "on his guard" around your friends so keeps his claws ready for action. I know how you must be feeling though, Pickle was driving me insane and it was such a relief when he left all the bad habits at the other house when we moved back.

Postby Smurfysmurf » Fri Jan 09, 2009 7:53 am
Well...I know this has been a very controversial decision, and I hope nobody will think worse of me..but Mogli spent the night at the vet after going in for surgery yesterday morning.

It was a hard decision but he pretty much left me with no other choice in the end. Please believe me when I say that I thought long and hard about it, but like somebody e-mailed me yesterday, it isn't good for Mogli either when I tell him "No" constantly and shout at him. It also wasn't good for him to get stuck with his claws in the carpet (I had to help him to get them out of there). Declawing would never have even entered my mind with any other cat..but Mogli...well....he is in a cat class of his own, I guess.

I promise to baby him even more than I normally do when he comes back home today
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Postby bwalters » Fri Jan 09, 2009 7:58 am
This sounds like you made the right desision. You will find it quite comical at first with him. He will try to jump places he used to use his claws to help with and will fall alot. He will learn his limitations though and just jump harder.
Mr Bill

Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Fri Jan 09, 2009 8:01 am
Oh dear Maureen, :(

I believe you made the right decision. sincerely hope that Mogli will get better soon. :fingers:

Postby Smurfysmurf » Fri Jan 09, 2009 8:02 am
Thank you :hug:

He is used to falling as he did that a lot already..he always wanted to jump on places that were to high for him as a kitten...He would land on his feet..and try again :) :) :) :)
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Postby Lia » Fri Jan 09, 2009 8:43 am
Mogli is sucha strong cat! he`ll survive this,I`m sure!
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