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Postby attombomb7 » Mon Dec 06, 2004 1:42 pm
HI ! I finally got my Big Dupuis smurf this morning! its snowing :frosty: here!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: and

the mailman was extra early and caught me before I went to work!

I was sure this smurf was lost..I paid $20 euro for shipping from

FRance and it took 6 weeks!! I have had things in the mail in 3 days!
from europe for tons less. so I was sure it was gone or lost!!!

anyway he is awesome and I will take fresh pics of him soon and post him!! I was surprised that he is harder plastic then the small one which is rubbery...( maybe age made him stiff??)

Image Attom


CHECK out my new website
Hogatha's Fake and licenced Smurfs collection

(my fake smurf collection ):)

Postby Fram » Mon Dec 06, 2004 3:23 pm
The 30 cm one is a stiffie (sorry!), not a peeping tom like the 15cm one. They are often broken or bruised from a fall. Mine has a dent in his nose (snif!). But I love them!
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby Rachel » Mon Dec 06, 2004 5:49 pm
Excellent news Attom, I bet you were over the moon. :wave:
Can't wait to see the pics.

Snow, you lucky thing, what I would give to have a huge snowfall and a few days off school. Things are VERY busy at the moment with school Christmas concerts (I teach in 14 schools = a LOT of concerts :violin: ), I have been diving in and out of here, laughing a lot and admiring all the new pics.

Do you think if I did a little snow dance..........

:snowing: :badger: :badger: :badger: :snowing: :badger: :badger: :badger: :snowing:
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
[Blue Imps Smurf Collection] [Bass Clef Strings] [Your Page]

Postby attombomb7 » Mon Dec 06, 2004 6:04 pm
The 30 cm one is a stiffie (sorry!), not a peeping tom like the 15cm one. They are often broken or bruised from a fall. Mine has a dent in his nose (snif!). But I love them!
oh !! thanks so much FRam!:wink: that info helps me alot..so I will be extra careful not to drop him or anything!

I had no idea thaey were this stiff.. he is so cute though!!

can you heat him ?? and repair him with a hair dryer??
Image Attom


CHECK out my new website
Hogatha's Fake and licenced Smurfs collection

(my fake smurf collection ):)

Postby attombomb7 » Mon Dec 06, 2004 6:07 pm
Excellent news Attom, I bet you were over the moon. :wave:
Can't wait to see the pics.

Snow, you lucky thing, what I would give to have a huge snowfall and a few days off school. Things are VERY busy at the moment with school Christmas concerts (I teach in 14 schools = a LOT of concerts :violin: ), I have been diving in and out of here, laughing a lot and admiring all the new pics.

Do you think if I did a little snow dance..........

:snowing: :badger: :badger: :badger: :snowing: :badger: :badger: :badger: :snowing:

hahaha! it sounds so fun over there!! other then all the work! but I guess all of them are having Xmas concerts soon?? and you must be the ANGEL
who is helping them all! :wink:

it was a nice surprise seeing some snow...and off coourse the mailman came extra early becasue of it..

Its all melted now!..but it was a fun day!

I do like my new smurf! I have cleaned him up...he was filthy!

but looks great !

I will show him soon!
Image Attom


CHECK out my new website
Hogatha's Fake and licenced Smurfs collection

(my fake smurf collection ):)
Postby Syd Smurf » Mon Dec 06, 2004 9:35 pm
...( maybe age made him stiff??)
So they are the opposite to humans with age then..... :o sorry

That's great news Attom and I would be really excited too if one of these were delivered to me. I am so far away from owning any of the larger smurfs and I know very little about them so they just seem like a big smurf blur of things I don't have. I think once I get an item I tend to learn more about them.

Looking forward to pics Attom and I am really happy for you


Postby pekkelien » Tue Dec 07, 2004 10:42 am
do you have a pic attom,

Postby attombomb7 » Fri Dec 10, 2004 6:47 pm
HI Sven!

and everyone!


here is my new photo's of the big dupuis I just got last week..

Image Attom


CHECK out my new website
Hogatha's Fake and licenced Smurfs collection

(my fake smurf collection ):)

Postby Syd Smurf » Fri Dec 10, 2004 10:13 pm
I'm so jealous Attom...so much so that I was trying to steal him from off the screen....it didn't quite work but I tried hard.

I love him...where's mine?....Anyone who wants to send me one of these for Christmas will be more than welcome and will receive a free Smurfette Rollerskater and a choice of any 3 carrot emoticons in one of their posts. If you send it via email you will also receive a free Tennis Player minus racquet for any of those DIY smurf collectors....I only have 8 of them without a racquet so act now and avoid missing out on this once in a fortnight offer.

He's incredible Attom....and now I really want one too.


Postby attombomb7 » Fri Dec 10, 2004 10:39 pm
hi Dyar!

thanks so much!

what makes him so wonderful is that he is just like the old smurfs ..the normal smurf.. in looks..

I could saw off half of him for you :) or ????

I am thinkin of that offer of roller skater smurfettes??/ how many??

Image Attom


CHECK out my new website
Hogatha's Fake and licenced Smurfs collection

(my fake smurf collection ):)

Postby Syd Smurf » Sat Dec 11, 2004 1:22 am

I am thinkin of that offer of roller skater smurfettes??/ how many??
How many do you want?....I am sure I could accomodate you as long as you don't want more than 5....lol

Oh I get it...you're just teasing me now :( :( :(


Postby pekkelien » Sat Dec 11, 2004 3:57 am
thx for the picture
i want to have my own someday but they all get so expensive

Postby Fram » Sat Dec 11, 2004 5:11 am
Wow, great condition! That is a very nice Smurf you have there. :-D
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby pekkelien » Sat Dec 11, 2004 6:29 am
where these ownly for the belgian market?

Postby Fram » Sat Dec 11, 2004 6:34 am
I'm still looking for more information on them, but I'm quite certain that they were made for all countries Spirou/Robbedoes was active in, so certainly France, Belgium and The Netherlands, and perhaps Canada and Switzerland as well (and Luxemburg! Never forget Luxemburg :) ). They will probably be the easiest to find in Belgium and France though (although with eBay, they are spreading all over the world now, like the rabbits did. Watch out, Australia :bunny: !)
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby pekkelien » Sat Dec 11, 2004 6:34 am
thanks for the info fram i havnt seen them on flea markets yet

Postby TYK86 » Sat Dec 11, 2004 8:08 am
I'm very jealous at this moment you know. :x :-D

Postby attombomb7 » Sat Dec 11, 2004 11:39 am

I am thinkin of that offer of roller skater smurfettes??/ how many??
How many do you want?....I am sure I could accomodate you as long as you don't want more than 5....lol

Oh I get it...you're just teasing me now :( :( :(


I was going to trade for 6 rollerskaters..! but I want one a bit chewed up!:):):):):)

oh well..maybe we can trade next time?? ooops! sorry.. I shouldn't tease

:cheers: or a trip to the ocean??
Image Attom


CHECK out my new website
Hogatha's Fake and licenced Smurfs collection

(my fake smurf collection ):)

Postby Syd Smurf » Sat Dec 11, 2004 10:51 pm
Hi Attom

I have personally chewed into one of them this morning and now I am on a look out for the final one I need to do the trade :) :) :)


Postby attombomb7 » Sat Dec 11, 2004 11:29 pm
how about a finger ?? for a chewed roller skater??

and a foot for the head of smurfette?? :cheers: :cheers:
Image Attom


CHECK out my new website
Hogatha's Fake and licenced Smurfs collection

(my fake smurf collection ):)
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