You will have to talk to Stace as she wrote the script....I think she wants Sydines actually.
I have been trying to land the job of Mermaid caster.....because I don't care to have a head job, I am happy to just work near the top.
I have on my resume credits which include:
Bra Bra Black Sheep
Bosom Buddies
Tit-anic...although this was more about going down
Some people shoot to the top, while others stagger there...I am hoping to fondle my way to the top and when the opportunity comes I will grope it with both hands.

People may say I am a little one eyed in my hobbies

...but I like things that have the potential to grow
PS - This is a poor attempt at humour so please forgive the rudeness....I am just being silly and will probably be very embarrassed the next time I read this