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Postby bwalters » Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:12 pm
Hi All; I went to Steak and Shake for dinner tonight. I had been there for about 10 min when the people that were off to my left about 3 feet but infront of me stood up to leave. It dawned on me that it was my great nephew. I hollered at him and he came and sat down for about 5 min. We talked about my two of my sisters that live in the same town (one his grandmaw) He introduced me to my Great Great nephew Eathan. He said he had to go because they needed to get to the mall which closed in about 1/2 hour. After he walked away I was looking around and saw one of my sisters also get up to leave. I went to say hi to her and realized my nephew was still at the register. He came over to show off the baby to her Neither of us even knew he existed. I have to say in my defense that I didn't see my sister because there was a clear glass wall between us. And I guess the pretty waitress's might have had something to do with it too. (they are my weakness) One of the girls is my friend on facebook and myspace and has been for 2 years. I was also looking around for kids to give some little balloons I had found at a dollar store. The are called Wack-a-pack. I love them and so does everyone I have ever shown them to. They are in a small flat package. You lay them on a table and wack them with your fist. The package starts to swell up and depening on if you hit it in the right place hard enough a balloon will pop out continue to inflate. I have seen them pop out in about 10 second all the way up to 4 hours later. You can find them on ebay also. I bought 40 packages of 4 of them friday. I am almost out of them already.
Mr Bill
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