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Postby Smurfysmurf » Wed Mar 31, 2010 4:54 pm
As everybody has probably noticed the forum is getting very quiet right now and I was wondering how everybody's smurf collection is faring.

Personally, I know my smurf collection hasn't grown very much this year except that I got a set of the new smurfs and a few odds and ends. Most of it is due to the fact that I have to save my money to spend on other more pressing things and is not necessarily due to lack of interests in smurfs.

However, as I have said Good-bye to ebay (haven't been on there but once in the last couple of months) I have also noticed that I no longer have the pressing urge to get everything that has a smurf on it. For example, this time last year I would have "killed" (not literally) to get my hands on those flimsy kites but this year I am not really interested in them at all.

I am also more laid back in regards to rare smurfs. I no longer have the urge to pay whatever it takes to get my hands on a rare smurf nor do I feel an urgency to look for THAT item that will make my collection unique.

Please don't misunderstand me...I do consider myself a collector and if given the chance to get my hands on a unique smurf I will do so..it's just that I am perfectly fine at the moment if my collections stays like it is (except for some new items that are being released like the new smurfs coming out each year).

I was wondering how all of you feel. Have you also taken a break of actively going after smurfs no matter what or are you pursuing those rare ones (or not so rare ones) with the same passion as ever?
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Hidden in the Woods

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Postby stampysmurf » Wed Mar 31, 2010 6:46 pm
My latest big smurf purchase was the new zodiac set that came out, I got some of the kites too. I haven't been on ebay lately either and like you I don't seem to miss it. I check the forum every few days to get an update and I really enjoy seeing where world traveller is! :) This time of year is so busy with gardening and other projects that it's hard to spend as much time on smurfing..Hopefully with the nicer weather and yardsales starting up we will all have some smurfy treasures to show off to eachother! :) :)

Postby bwalters » Wed Mar 31, 2010 8:44 pm
I guess I am still the same for now. I have picked up 15 of the $1 kites, and 1 each so far of the others. Looking for more when I can. I have many friends and family that are looking for me around the country for the kites. I bought 3 sets of the Zodiac Smurfs. And generally trade for things I can't get from over sea's. I don't do a lot on ebay, but today I recieved 8 candy toppers from an auction. I also have 2 other kites made in the 80's and a package of blowouts that I didn't have. So I would say that I still have Smurf fever bad. I am always looking for them. I look at almost every package of cookies, Cerial boxes, and any candies. I don't know if they will ever appear on anything, but I am always looking anyway. As for ebay unless it is something that I have been looking for a long time. I pretty much limit my purchaces to $25 a payday.
Mr Bill

Postby Tojo » Wed Mar 31, 2010 11:29 pm
The latest smurfs I bought were the zodiac set & the other day I found the 2nd version smurfette from that set with the flower attached to the head so I was pleased to have both versions.

I got quite a few variations recently on ebay but at the moment I'm not actively searching for any of the smurfs I'm still missing. I must have a look to see if I can find a reasonably priced hexalotte.......

At the moment we've got a lot to plan as our son's confirmation is coming up at the beginning of May & lots of relatives will be coming here. Hotel rooms are booked but there's the catering still to organize etc.

My other hobbies (family tree & painting Napoleonic soldiers) take up much of my time. On top of that there's the housework..... :???:

I visit here almost every day & like to hear the latest smurfy news & every day I look at my collection.

Smurfs Rule!!! :) :)
Tojo McTonyson - Okarben's Bagpiper Extraordinaire.... :partyon:

Postby Beers » Thu Apr 01, 2010 2:28 am
Not good ! :) :)

I am more or less finished now Moey ! I got my collection to a point where i was very happy and i still am but i do not have any interest to go any further ! I am looking to sell lots of stuff as i said a few weeks ago, and this is still the case !

My normal collection, footy players, astro's and spanish smurfs, plus a few promo's will always stay with me, but the rest can go and i am not bothered about that at all ! I would have lost interest a lot sooner but Martin Royle is responsible for keeping my interest there, and i still enjoy watching him spend his money, which i encourage him to do a lot ! :) :)

I still love my smurfs, and smurfs in general, and do look forward to the smurf movie coming out ! I would always encourage people to buy that something they need if that is what they want !

Not having my collection on display discourages me too i think, having them individually bagged in organised boxes is good, but definately not the same as having them displayed !

My next big step in smurfland would be to get Martin Royle's collection on display, in his house of course ! :) :) But he is such a slack arse ! :) :) We've talked about it for at least 2 years now ! Still nothing ! :eek: So while i do not actively collect at the moment, i would still buy that something special to me, if i wanted to ! :D

Good thread Moey :D

Postby Azrael » Thu Apr 01, 2010 2:48 am
I think it goes through stages really doesn't it. I've been collecting since I was a baby and will never stop.. but this year with work/wedding etc I've had to take a step back... slightly..

I think it all goes round in circles. My collection is 'there' and I love adding to it... but for the next few months nothings happening at all..

I'm sure when the movie memorabilia comes out then they hype will begin again.. a la 50th Birthday celebrations. :D
www.britishcollectorsclub.com The Smurf Collectors Club

Postby bradley » Thu Apr 01, 2010 5:53 am
yeah for me at the moment I think I'm all smurfed out from my holiday last November. I brought home enough smurfs to equal a years worth of buying I think lol. I knew after having a spend up like that my collecting would be quiet for a while afterwards. I really don't buy every single smurf item out there and I've always casually collected and gone in and out of phases where I'll buy some smurfs and then nothing for a few months. Last smurf purchase online was the Zodiacs. At the moment I'm really enjoying going to different markets & garage sales hunting for smurfs. Thats really what I love about smurf collecting. It was so easy over in Belgium.. I really haven't found anything but did pick up a smurf lunch box & a puzzle. And had a birthday present of the Play Along Gargamel mini castle (polly pocket style) set. I still check ebay most days but really the smurfs have usually been the last search I do because its all so boring and nothing of interest on there. I can't be bothered. I don't think I really buy that many smurfs on ebay anyway.

I'm also house hunting at the moment. I'm moving out of home this year so I'm saving more money for that. And I've been working so much overtime these past few months because it has been flat out at work - its crazy. There is too much work, its just long days and late nights, it just hasn't stopped. But while I'm getting some good pay I'm saving what I can. And since I started looking for a house there has been nothing coming up. As I work real estate signage I get to see all the properties going up for sale all over Adelaide but nothing has come up in my price range yet. Just have to wait & keep looking.

Postby Pitufo » Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:13 am
I agree, it seems we are living a quiet period...There are some great collectors who have stopped their collections and some others who have sold all their stuff...There is not good financial moment in Europe and I suppose there is a relation between the facts...The market of cars is quieter, the market of clothes is queiter, and the market of smurfs is quieter...

My situation???Well, I have not stopped collecting. I have bought many smurfs last few months but it is true that some times my interest has decreased...The main reason is the big amounts of fakes (repainted fakes) that some unexcropulous sellers have put in the market. And it is not a recent thing...I am sure most of us have in our collection pieces we consider as rare variations and they are not more than repainted smurfs...So, I am not spending money in that kind of smurfs: I am buying variations of markings, argentinian, polish and mexican fakes, paint errors and overall spanih smurfs...I think I am the only one who goes on showing his new stuff :) :) :)


Postby Lia » Fri Apr 02, 2010 12:46 pm
I love collecting as always!
But like Joaquin, I mainly collect smurfs from Spain, Brazil, Poland, Mexico,Argentina etc.
It`s a challenge to find new variations of Minimodels and Hering!!
However I did receive some nice Schleich/bully variations and I like those too! I also got some musters that I like.
It`s nice to be surrounded by smurfs, so I`m pleased that I displayed them in beautiful glass cabinets!
And perhaps, the nicest smurfs are the smurfs presented by friends, and today, I was happy to receive such smurfs! :D


Postby Arnhem Smurfs » Tue Apr 06, 2010 1:49 am
It's been a busy period, and we would love to fill some gaps in our collection.
And some of these "gaps" are inthe expensive/rare range, but we also still miss quite a few in the JAKSS/Play Along range, so there we can still do more this year, without getting bankrupt.

A bit bigger to do task is finishing taking some pics of latest additions, so that they can be posted on our site (and here of course...)

Also very curious about what will happen this year in general with the Smurfs. Here we see still new Smurf magazine in the dutch shops, the Kinder Smurfs returned to the shelves, and on Romanian Television we see advertisements even for the Kinder Joy's, containing the familiar smurfs from the eggs.

And with the movie comming up in the news a bit more, and with Belgium promoting Smurfs at the World Fair in China, who knows waht will happen.
That would be a challenge, to get WT also there...

We will see if we can find some little ones at the "vrijmarkt" (free / flea markets) at Queensday, Aprl 30th.

Greetings Ron & Aly!

Postby hfos » Wed Apr 07, 2010 12:09 am
I buy the new set every year and I've been completing those BASF smurfs, but beyond that I'm not really looking. All the ones I want are expensive (so usually fake) and I have a million (give or take) other things to spend my money on. Plus there aren't enough hours in a day to keep track of stuff. So I decided to focus a bit on one thing at a time, I saw a set of BASF smurfs in a box which I don't have yet so that'll be my sole object of desire for now. If you happen to spot one please let me know! :D

Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:41 am
I have to admit that I still haven't got the zodiac set, but I look forward to purchasing them at the collectors fair on Saturday. To be honest, I am still in the process of arranging my cuties. (Thank God, I got electicity back yesterday!!!) Moreover, I hope to finish my website by Xmas at the latest.

I still enjoy looking out for smurfs at fleamarkets, but I know my limit much too well, thus I decided to buy one expensive piece per year in order to complete my basics. This time, I try my best to save up for one original baseball smurfette.

@Brad: Great to hear that you enjoy yourself on garage sales and markets. :D I wish you the best of luck for your move. :fingers:

Postby bradley » Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:08 am
@Brad: Great to hear that you enjoy yourself on garage sales and markets. :D I wish you the best of luck for your move. :fingers:
when I move it will be a huge task to pack up and move all the smurfs with me, lol... just need to find that house first. 2 potential this week so maybe soon.

Postby lobo » Thu Apr 08, 2010 1:29 pm
No money, no smurfs!!
Besides, I got tired of e-bay.You never know when a smurf is a genuine one or just a repaint.And if you´re sure it will be because it is so expensive that only a person with a better financial situation could buy.
Goodbye to promos, rare variations, golden and orange schultute... I would love to have the new jakks smurfs and some interesting fakes (the uglier, the better) though.
I miss those days when fake smurfs ( my favourite ones) were cheaper than bully´s or Schleich´s....
However, I have the perfect solution for my hunger of new smurfs.Since I´m currently unemployed I usually make a new homemade smurf every day and I feel satisfied with it seeing how my collection keeps growing.
If I don´t find a new job soon I will have more homemades than originals but don´t worry I´ll never try to sell them as originals :)

Anyway, I keep being obsessed with smurfs and I´m afraid I´ll always be...


Postby SmurfingH » Mon May 10, 2010 4:44 am
I still love my smurfs but, like Brad, I haven't added much since the fair. Why buy on ebay when you can go and see and handle the item in person? I'm so looking forward to the sisters' fair this year!! Plus I have all my "big" purchases. I now have the farm and both windmills and all the basics and some lovely fakes. I still haven't catalogued or photographed all the smurfs I got last November and everything has sort of stalled. I have started a new hobby (like Mum, I've gone into dolls houses which is ace!) but I have not stopped with the smurfs. I'd just rather buy them from the sisters.

Plus life is still busy and I haven't always coped with it very well. Grandma's house move is still going on (the legal side takes forever in the UK) and so is Anne's. Grandma had a nasty fall a couple of weeks ago and for a while looked almost as pretty as I did last year after my fall. Whereas I had 2 black eyes and 4 stitches, Grandma has 1 black eye and 6 stitches - not that it's a competition! :whistle: She is now staying at Mum and Dad's until she moves and we're all doing what we can to persuade to use a white stick. She can be stubborn! :banghead:

I have missed the forum though and felt bad for not being around more. Unfortunately, when I feel down there's only so much I can cope with. Still, summer is nearly here and the dogs are enjoying the warmer weather! And on the whole I'm doing pretty well. :D

Postby bradley » Mon May 10, 2010 5:16 am
it's great to hear from you Hilary! it has been quiet around here but I just think thats because everyone has different priorities at the moment. And I agree so much about prefering to go to the sisters fair to buy smurfs. I'd rather not buy a single smurf for the next whole year and then take another holiday to the fair and have a spend up on smurfs there. I need to get settled in a house of my own first before I can consider going again. I actually haven't brought any new smurfs for 2 months. Although I have a 50th smurf plush (just on his own) on the way over but for a work colleague about to give birth to her little frogger. hehe.

you can have a dolls house for your smurfs to play in, ha. They had a doll house collector on the ABC Collectors show the other week. It was interesting and probably different from the normal style of doll houses. I like these ones though. Here is the video if you'd like to take a look:

http://www.abc.net.au/tv/collectors/seg ... 886925.htm

Postby Lia » Mon May 10, 2010 5:37 am
It`s nice to hear from you Hilary and i`m glad you`re still collecting!
Good luck with all your activities!


Postby Smurfysmurf » Mon May 10, 2010 7:39 am
I agree, it's great to hear from you, Hil...Just the other day I was thinking about you and wondering how you are doing :hug:

I am finally getting settled and should be back to my normal quiet life shortly. We are about ready to put the trailer up for sale (having a moving sale on Friday and Saturday) and I have started working on the smurf room. I already like the room so much that I spend more time in there than in the living room and sorting thru some of the smurfs yesterday was really fun for me (and Mogli). My one regret is that I won't be able to display as much as I want but oh well...you can't win them all :) :) :)

Once the room is done, I plan on becoming more active on the forum again so prepared to see more of me again :o .

I won't be back to buying like crazy anymore as the money spent on smurfs will now need to be spent on the house payment, but when you consider that I have one closet bursting with smurf stuff....I have to admit that I probably have too much already...I still plan on buying special stuff though if I see them :cheers:
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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