Thanks everyone and especially Frank( Tintin) who guided us in the right direction!!
And off course the translators and all others!!
So know we know the Hering smurfs had the same articlenumbers as the german ones. It definatly says Enfermeiro!! I was checking words like Estimeiro before asking the question on the forum.
So now to the chronology.
If we check the markings Schleich used the printed Schleich marking and the handwritten peyo marking. This they started with 1979. If you compare to the Hongkongmarked smurfs which they started selling in 1979, the first ones had Schleichemblem( molds made 1978).
So this tells us the Hering was most likely made and sold between 1980 and 1982 with license from Schleich and 100% genuine Schleichsmurfs.
After this they probably erased the markings and sold them for a while longer unlicensed. Last they blocked the marking with the stripes.
So now to my questions to the one of you who have many of these.
It seems they used the same type of marking on all the smurfs. I mean the handwritten Peyo and printed Schleich and Hering written in the same way. Is this correct? If you check my picture. First smurfs papa and last smurf angry has both this type of "printingstyle"!
Next question: Are there smurfs where you can find all markingversions. I mean complete marking and erased marking and blocked marking( with stripes)?