the names start in Dutch.... normale smurf, brilsmurf (brainy) , gevangene smurf ( prisoner) etc...see my first picture to see what smurfs are mentioned
You should know me by now Lia!!
I always think different "research"( curiosity??
The thing I want to know if, like on the first picture, the Bullysmurfs were ever mentioned on these.
It seems to be the same shelves just mounted on eachothers, right?
So do you know how many smurfs were mentioned.
What I mean is; Bully never had anything to do with BP. So if bullysmurfs involved it must be after 1980?
The intresting thing with the BP information on their website is that they say it started with the smurfs as giveaways in BP in Holland and then because of the success it spread to other countries also.
But for me the BP smurf success was in the late 70s or in the very early 80s??
It seems the petrolcompanies( BP, National, Shell, same owners then???) in around 1982 left the smurfs for other things.
So what year do think these shelves are from?