The old castle is surrounded by two plazas....on one side is the Schiller platz with the Schiller statue. The poet was born in Marbach which is about 1 hour away from Stuttgart
Schiller statue, which was the first Schiller statue erected in Germany
To the left of the plaza, is one of the oldest buildings, the so called Fruchtkasten, which was used to breed those cavalry horses in the middle ages. Behind it (the two towers) is the Stiftskirche..the largest and, I think, oldest church in Stuttgart (Protestant church)
On the other side of the old castle is the Karlsplatz...I have no idea which Karl it is named's save to say, he was a king
His statue is in the middle of the's on this plaza that the weekly fleamarket is hosted each Saturday
So he wouldn't get lost, we had the WT constantly look at the map of historical Stuttgart
After enjoying a Laugenbretzel from one of the Bretzelkoerble
he finally got to visit his little blue friends at the comic store
From nearly everywhere is Stuttgart you can see the TV tower, which in the 60s was the tallest in Europe. It's no longer in use, but still a favorite holiday destination for tourists and natives alike, as the panorama is unbelievable from up there
Can you see the old castle, new castle and Stiftskirche? WT was a bit afraid of falling down the TV tower so we quickly left again
Stuttgart has many other places to visit, but it was time to take the WT across the big pond to the beautiful South of the US... and so we finally landed in Chattanooga (picture is of the small airport in Chattanooga)
To be continued......