These are the pics of the boat and the smurfs...
Pic nr 1. two mermaids...The one on the left is my old mermaid and the right one is the smurfette included in the lot...YOu can see they have different bases but the old mermaid has a circle on its base and for that reason I think some of these mermaids were made to incruste on some items and some others wer not
Pic nr 2.-the two smurfs on the boat. Both have the same thing on its base and the captain one is exactly the same red than the trousers, so I think the little red thing has not been added
The smurfs have not markings, they are made of a similar material than cnt but a worse job of painters...the boat has not markings but only a sticker when you read Bainsa...I have been looking but can´t find an old factory of toys with that name
My theory: I think there were some factories in Spain that made "not licensed" smurfs at 80´s...perhaps one of them made some of his production for another factories that made other kind of toys, like this one, pitufhogar etc...
HOPE YOU LIKE and I would like to know your opinions!!!!!!!