here's something about the german magazines "die Schlümpfe Entdecke Schlumpfhausen":
Yesterday I got one (#2) in a german shop. The mags should be availble in Germany, Austria and the german speaking Switzerland.
(The french mags "Je collectionne les schtroumpfs" were also availble in Switzerland but only in the french speaking Switzerland!)
I think all the smurf and some stuff will have the M. in China markings like the smurf and stuff in my mag #2.
Here are the prices:
price for the 1st mag € 1.95
price for the 2nd mag € 3.95
price for 3th and 4th mag each for € 6.95 (incl. shipping, package)
With the subscription you get every month two issues.
The subscribers get the following presents:
the first delivery: the play mat for the village and the smurfs
the second delivery: the coloured pencils
the fourth delivery: the collectors box for the smurfs...
the eighth delivery: the alarm clock
You can buy also for 6.99€ the collective boxing for the magazines which are sent to you then all 20 issues.
For the subscribe and older mags you can order by phone, fax, email or if you have one of the mags by the order sheet.
You can pay with credit cards like Master Card. VISA or American Express
smurfy greetings