again a question for you.

In this information found on bluebuddies it says that there were 4 or 5 figurines made for the National promotion when they started. Made in HK? Or painted in HK? Do we know which these figurines were? Probably made in 1977/78.

From Bluebuddies:
"National Benzole faced far greater demand for Smurf figurines than they originally anticipated, and looked for ways to reduce production costs. Hong Kong was chosen to manufacture the four or five figurines for the National Garage promotion. Production costs were reduced, and all seemed well.
That was until, in 1978, The Smurfs and National Garages were embroiled in a lead paint scandal that captivated the nation. TV news reported kids licking the toys and getting sick. Apprently, the Smurfs painted in Hong Kong did not meet British safety standards - and in fact apparently contained illegal and toxic levels of lead. In addition to stopping Smurf giveaways at National Gas stations, the scandal even birthed the song "Lick A Smurp For Christmas (all Fall Down)" by Father Abraphart & The Smurps (aka Jonathan King), a parody song that scored relatively well on the pop charts.
The National Smurfs had to be "fixed", and fast. It was decided that this could never happen again, and a system was introduced to verify that Smurfs met quality control and safety standards. All new Smurf figurines had a "paint dot" that was a quality control signal showing that the Smurf figure was safe. In addition, each paint dot was color-coded to represent the country it was painted in - so each figure could be traced to the painting source.
Finally, on October 4, 1978 The Times newspaper sounded the "all clear" - Department of Health testing revealed that the Smurf figurines were safe, and the National promotion would continue - except that now every figure had a paint dot that could be used for quality control to determine where it was painted.
Dots on Smurf figurines have been essentially used as a "quality control" mark in every batch of Smurf figurines up until the 2005 series, when the dots were finally retired - finally closing the book on the "lead paint" Smurf scare of 1978. "