How has your collecting evolved over the years? I don't mean what got you into it or why do you collect, but how do you collect differently now than you did when you started or even a year ago.
With me,'s like this...
I started falling in love with the figures as toys and pretty much kept the ones I got from family or friends. I, now, know these were mostly Bully smurfs as I got most in the 70s when I was at the "right" age for them...In the 80s I still liked them but never thought of getting the 90s I discovered the cartoons on German TV (reruns) and started buying some smurfs again, mostly those that were in the cartoons, as I disliked some of the "crazier" figures.
At that time it was really an on and off again collection...although I never got rid of them until I moved to the US and found out that my smurfs had been given away without my consent or even being asked about. My goal then was to get the smurfs from my childhood back and nothing else which I did...I thought smurfs are a German thing, so I never expected to find any in the US, but I actually found a bag of smurfs at a yardsale and I bought them although I did not like the figures in itself (it was the jester, clown and a few like these). Then I discovered ebay...I started on ebay to find rare out of print books..and one day I was so bored I looked for smurfs..and lo and behold I found tons...and decided to buy those that would "enhance" my smurf village. I bought smurf lots and sold those that I did not like and kept the ones I liked for my village. One of my goals was to never have more than I can display which soon proved quite difficult.
Trying to find more information about them (selling smurfs quickly teaches you that some smurfs will bring in a lot of money) I first came across Dyar's site..and then BlueCavern which I eventually joined....and my collection was never the same.
However, I was determined (and even said so on here) that I would NEVER collect fakes..and didn't really care about the boxes. After Passion 2007, and spending a weekend at Christy's house with her family and Dyar..I started to buy anything and everything that had a smurf on it. I still blame Dyar for it who told me during the trip that getting a few smurfy items would make my misc items list on the website more interesting. Christy is not quite blameless either because her collection opens your eyes to what is out there

By that time I had stopped selling on ebay and pretty much was looking for reasons to keep my doubles ..which got me into variations...then marking variations...and as I finished my basic collection and it turned out to get quite expensive to find promos, sockels and variatons..I turned to fakes...especially after I got contacted by a few sellers directly (one of who is still selling me fakes) and bought from them. It was thru Attom, Lia, Joaquin and TinTin that I got really interested in fakes as well as paint errors and looked for these as well.
Last year I took a step back and didn't buy that many smurfs (compared to the two years before) but bought rarer items which cost more..this year with the movie, I am back to buying anything and everything although I think next year will be more like last year again..Now that I know again what I got, thanks to my website, I probably will also concentrate on variations again which is not quite as expensive as rare smurfs..and an interest that got retriggered by Andre earlier this year when he posted the variation threads.
Anyway, that's my not quite so short story how my collecting has evolved..I would love to see how your collecting over the years has changed..because I know did