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Postby Tintin » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:15 am

I respect all your opinion, and understand how you all think.
But for me BP is a company from the oil industry and so nothing has to do with smurfs.
So in my eyes they used the smurfs to make promo for there company, and i still consider them as promo smurfs.
A bit short-sighted maybe but that's how i see it.


Postby smurfowen » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:03 pm

I understand that we all have our opinions on this but lets get the facts right here.
I can speak for our countrys but I can most certainly for South Africa.

Were do I start.... South Africa was once a collany of the great british empirie. During this time we enjoyed every thing that was british as we as a country were part of that. Then APARTHEID came and we had sanctions empossed on us as a country. During this time we only had access to limited companies.
At the time England had National Benzole. South Africa been sanctined had to make do with BP. British Petrolium. The Smurfs that were given (TAKE NOTE) given out when petrol was bought were not maked, only had PEYO ,a copy right symbal and w germany. This was the first fase.

Then came the second fase of ''To have'' smurfs which you could buy for 99c. They had houses and there was super smurfs. (Tricycle and car). THe super smurfs as well as the normals came in bags. The bag read English on the one side and AFRIKAANS on the other. Our two national languages at the time. BAGS ONLY FOR SOUTH AFRICA>
Then the lions toured South Africa in the winter of the 1980' and the Rugby Smurfs were released. THEY ALL CAME IN BAGS. The bags were only available in South African: They Read Rugby Smurf With One side the Host country Been South Africa and The other side the British lions. Also a BP logo. After the rugby you could by them still in bags but with the regular top.

To make a short story. They were given away at BP.Under the licence of ..... wait for it

wait for it

(C) Peyo - SEPP - BP Australia 80

Once they started getting sold in differnet shop. They were just sold under

(C) Peyo - SEPP

I hope this helps.

Secondly: The BP Petrol Station was NEVER sold or given away in South Africa.

As I have it on good source: The Petrol Attendant is a semi promotion smurf. He was sold at the same time all over the world with different badges to represent the differnt Gas/Benzole/Petrol station that the smurfs were sold at.
Its kind of ovious that they would not sell a BP smurf in a shell garage or a national in a BP.
Life is a journey, so enjoy the ride.

Postby André » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:04 pm
Thanks for the information Pierre! :D

So the smurfs sold in South Africa during, the time you call second fase, was all sold in bags, right?? And then the license was BP Australia 80.

So the BP australia license worked for South Africa to? Or was the smurfs shipped from Australia, just bagged before sold in BP stations in South Africa?

Another thing regarding the episode you call first fase. You say the smurfs were only marked peyo and a copyright symbol, nothing more. what do you mean by that? Not many smurfs are marked that way? Which smurfs do you mean?

And the source you have. Could he tell us if a shell station box was made and then in which country it was sold. You also say that the BP station was never sold in South Africa.

So eventhough BP sold and gave away smurfs in at least 4 countries it seems it was only sold in Australia, right?? :-? :D

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby smurfowen » Mon Dec 12, 2011 2:57 pm
Life is a journey, so enjoy the ride.

Postby André » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:31 am
I see no new information on that site Pierre??? :-? Which information do you mean?

I guess it then could have been something like this.

In 1978/79 they gave away the same smurfs in South Africa as in UK at National. Meaning not only ones with only Peyo C marking. Also with removed emblem and schleichemblem. It would be very strange if they had special smurfs made for South Africa only, right?? :o Then we also would have seen those in some collection.

If it is like you say Pierre that the smurfs later sold in South Africa were shipped from the BP Australia, most likely then they would be the same as the ones sold in Australia?? But maybe not??? :lol:

Off course they could have been sent from UK and the BP Australia licence also was valid in all the 3 countries where BP sold the smurfs at the stations?? I have not yet seen a item with BP New Zealand marking! So actually maybe the SEPP BP Australia-license from Peyo could have been valid by Peyo in South Africa and New Zealand also. ??? :-? :cheers:

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby André » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:52 am
Regarding the petrol attendant promos.

they could not have been sold at the same time in different countries.

The National set was the first one Schleich made. Already in the Schleichcatalogue for 1979 when the roof was not made they had a variation of national pump and also when the attendant is first shown in any catalogue it also is the one with the national emblem. So National was definatly made first.

Then the BP promo was probably made around 1980/1981 and sold around 1981/1982.

As far as I know the Shell attendant and possible pump was made later around 1984?? for Shell Jugendwerk in Germany?? At that time all the BP and National promotions already had ended and the National attendant was made around 5 years before this. Or are there any other Shell attendant promo with pump???? :-? :cheers:

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/

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