Hi everyone,
here is the display sold at National Benzole in march 1979 when only 30 smurfs were sold at the stations in UK.
First the picture of from the store. I hope it is OK to use these in educational purpose. For everyone interested in the way the smurfs were sold in the UK this could be interesting.
As you see the display was possible to buy loose and bring home and also used in the store. Just like they did in Holland with the BP-shelves. You could buy them and use at home for your own collection and the stores also used them to show which smurfs they had at the stations to buy.
You also see that when this picture was taken the playset 3, fence, was not sold yet and they still had not changed and added the number 1 to the garden playset.
Also you can see the National attendant promo super in box. And the UK supersmurf boxes in front. Only six possible at this time.
Also a sharpener displaybox was possible to find in the UK.