I think the main reason is that there really aren't that many new things to discover anymore so we all have less to say as most has been said before.
In regards to Facebook...well it has become the center of the social online life..and really is a one stop for all now..you stay in contact with friends, family and smurfers by just going on there.
Another reason is that this year seems to have been a tough one for a lot of us and our collections have taken a hit..some started selling..and others of us just had to slow down due to life getting in the way.
Of course, we also have the sign up problem for which I can't find a solution
Forums live by word by mouth though, so if you know of smurf collectors who haven't heard of Blue Cavern, why not invite them to join or to e-mail me about signing them up..I would love to spend an hour or more just signing up new members..and it's new members who bring new life to a forum
If you are having problems registering on Blue Cavern, please click the "e-mail" link on my profile and send me an e-mail with your preferred username and e-mail. Thank you
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Hidden in the Woods
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