That's great news - though not about the snow! Does he still have his booklet with him?
I enjoyed showing him around the Frankfurt area when he was with me

Hi Tojo,
He still has the booklet and many very nice souveniers. I will take pictures tomorrow. Also Vanity is with him. Could you tell me more about Vanitys tour???

I will do a map with all WT´s stops on his journey and show here. Many times I thought he was lost but it is so nice to see him again with all the smurfy wishes from everybody. My daughters are so happy that he got back and they just loved the Australian flag he got.

And of course all the stickers, pins, badgets, wishes and items from all other places.
After I have taken pictures and documented everything he most certainly would like to travel again. And off course with his booklet.
So if anyone would like to host him for a week then it would be great.
But it could be that he maybe will make a special trip in November.