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Postby hfos » Tue Oct 08, 2024 2:45 am
Alright, after owning/collecting for over 40 years (I remember when I was four, we moved to a new house and I had a bag of smurfs, about 20-30, which turned into 100 which turned into I honestly don't know how many) I sold everything a week ago. The last decade or so everything had been in storage, out of the way; I had no room to display anything properly, and was only adding a new handful or so every year but that was it.
Now my kids each got to pick out one and the rest is all gone. I have to say, it feels pretty OK. I am currently in the process of moving my parents (who are now moving out of that house I mentioned in the beginning) and the sheer amount of stuff they have in there is shocking (even to them!), and at least 80-85% must go because they're moving to something much smaller. And there's so much that was there just because it was there, it hadn't been seen or used in decades. It helped me to look at my own stuff a bit more critically.

I hope y'all are getting more out of your collections than I was, at the end!
Postby Tommo » Tue Oct 08, 2024 12:18 pm
Wow :shock: Who did you sell your collection to?
Postby hfos » Wed Oct 09, 2024 5:53 am
The 'Foundation of Smurf Collectors' (Stichting van smurfenverzamelaars in Dutch). I wanted to sell everything all at once, and not have someone cherry pick the more exclusive ones and leave me with the rest. They made a pretty good offer and, just as nice, came to pick them up.
Postby Tommo » Thu Oct 10, 2024 1:10 am
That's good :D I hope you got a good price. If I was ever to sell mine, which I won't :) , I think it would take as long as it did to collect them... which is why I wouldn't sell them :) :) :)
Postby KiwiSchlumpf » Thu Oct 10, 2024 10:30 pm
Wow thats a big move!
It is hard moving on, especially when the little blue critters have been a part of your life for so long. I must admit the most fun part has been the collecting, and then when you have them I tend not to get them out and look at them again and instead be always looking for the next thing to purchase for the collection.
My collection had been boxed up for years until last year when I got them out in an attempt to re-live the smurfy joy... then I popped them back in their boxes.
Hfos: I hope you still have fond memories of your time collecting them.
Postby hfos » Mon Oct 14, 2024 12:27 pm
Yes, definitely. It wasn't a small thing, loading them into someone else's cars (they needed more than one car ;)). They were in my life a heck of a long time but it's time to move on. I'm even getting rid of other stuff I've accumulated over the years, I've got the taste now! Anyone here happen to be in the market for a large selection of whisky? :-D
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