Happy Christmas holidays to you as well Kath and to everyone else!
Of course the highlight of my year was the birth of my daughter, but here are my smurf additions... there are a few more, but these are the main ones
20003. Astro, unmarked
20003. Astro, Portugal red dot, blue top.
20003. Astro, printed Bully, light blue top. (repaint?)
20007. Angry, large mold, red teeth
20007. Angry, large mold, Address marked, red teeth
20007. Angry, large mold, red dot.
20033. Clown, Portugal, CE
20043. Digger, unmarked.
20052. Shell Promo Cleaner
20052. Cleaner, no top.
20052. Cleaner, Portugal, no dot
20054. First Aid. ASB promo. Large thick CE
20054. First Aid. Keyring loop part of mold. 3 x brown case variations.
20054. First Aid. Dark brown case, blue locks. Black dot (Tunisian misspaint)
20057. Thirsty, Coca Cola Promo
20064. Toothbrush, green dot.
20068. Cricket, Hong Kong, dark bat
20068. Cricket, W.Germany, green dot.
20088. Traveller, Schleich, mustard dot
20106. Hunter, Schleich, mustard dot
20110. Hairdresser, Schleich, no dot
20121. Iceskater, Schleich, no dot.
20127. Superman. Hong Kong. (made in H K/painted in SL) sticker.
20160. Apple, red dot.
20167. Indian Smurfette, Hong Kong, 2 x dark brown variations
20167. Indian Smurfette, mustard dot.
20169. Hotdog, Portugal, light skin, no dot.
20176. St Patricks, white dot.
20219. Green Surprise Cone, black dot
20219. Green Surprise Cone, black dot, CE
20220. Pink Surprise Cone, black dot, CE
20221. Orange Surprise Cone, black dot
20228. Fitness, handetched CE, black dot.
20468. Climber, blue dot.
40216. Fireman, green dot
Lots of German boxed Super Smurfs
UK Smurf House boxed
UK Smurf Cottage boxed
BP 75th Anniversary set.