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Slightly more serious topics for smurf collectors including promo smurfs, smurfy discoveries, unlicensed smurfs, playsets, smurfy items etc
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Postby JT » Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:15 am
Here are smurfs and some other figures that arrived yesterday. With ones I got earlier, these make my January perfect :)
Thank you all who has something to do with these :D


Postby Fram » Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:20 am
Hey, JT, that Fix and Foxi one is clearly a fake. If you send it ASAP to me, I'll thoroughly destroy it, as to make certain that this fake never reaches the market again.
No need to thank me, I'm here to serve 8)

:o You do know this means I really like the lot, do you? :o :D
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby JT » Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:45 am
Ok Fram,
thank goodness you acted so fast and saved me from embarresment. I´ve sent that smurf for you to destroy :) :) :) :)

Oooops, what was your adress again? I just wonder where did I sent it... :oops:


Postby Fram » Thu Jan 27, 2005 9:54 am
Oh no, you pulled a Bunno :-D
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby Guest » Thu Jan 27, 2005 10:05 am
LOL Fram

Really nice items JT! :D

Postby attombomb7 » Thu Jan 27, 2005 10:10 am
hi JT

great items..love the fix & foxi and the fraggles!!!! too!!
kewl piggie! :) :)
Image Attom


CHECK out my new website
Hogatha's Fake and licenced Smurfs collection

(my fake smurf collection ):)

Postby JT » Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:50 am
Thank you all.

Attom, that miss Piggy is from 70´s! I had some muppets before, but those aren´t that old :)


Postby attombomb7 » Thu Jan 27, 2005 12:20 pm
Thank you all.

Attom, that miss Piggy is from 70´s! I had some muppets before, but those aren´t that old :)

Hi JT... wow ..how did you get that miss piggy?? she is so cute!

what happened to your other muppets??

do you collect other toys too?
Image Attom


CHECK out my new website
Hogatha's Fake and licenced Smurfs collection

(my fake smurf collection ):)

Postby JT » Thu Jan 27, 2005 12:39 pm
Well, I don´t know if you can call it collecting, but these toys have founded their way to our house :)
Nothing happened to my Muppets, what I meant was that I had few before miss Piggy :) Miss Piggy came from Pauli who has quite many old Muppet figures, if not all.


Sorry about picture, it can be resized if someone know how :oops:


Postby Fram » Thu Jan 27, 2005 2:14 pm
I guess you know all this, but just in case:
on the left, the Indians, is from the series (comic and cartoons) Yakari.
Next to it, the duck and the beaver, are from Alfred J. Kwak.
A bit more to the middle, you have two Asterix figures.
Further are some Disneys and Paddingtons, and of course a Pink Panther, a Dennis the menace, a lot of Snoopys, some Freggles, a Dr. Snuggles, a few I don't know, some Woody Woodpeckers, a few baby Muppets, and on the front right is a Boule (Bollie), another Belgian comic figure.
A nice collection!
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby Syd Smurf » Thu Jan 27, 2005 6:26 pm

I love the Kwak figures and the Muppets are always very cool. I grew up with the Muppets and can actually do some rather bad impersonations of them....I am not kidding either...they are really bad impersonations.

It's a great collection of figurines though and the Fixi Foxi is amazing to have....thanks for sending it to me...I saw the name Fram and just thought someone had used my middle name instead of Dyar so I opened it and unfortunately I destroyed it before I read this so I didn't know it was meant to be sent to the real Fram for destruction....sorry Fram but at least you know the job is done so there is no need to worry about it....or ask any questions.

I wanna thank you for making my January brighter too with your package JT. As we say in Australia (apparently, but not by any normal people) Ripper Deal :D


Postby JT » Thu Jan 27, 2005 11:01 pm
Well I guess it doesn´t matter who did the job Dyar, as long as it is now destroyed :)

Fram you´re absolutely right about those figures. There is also 3 figures from German animation series "WUNDERBARE REISE DES KLEINEN NILS HOLGERSSON MIT DEN WILDGÄNSEN". Those are that blue dressed elf behind Asterix, hamster and Fox in right of him.
Those three bears behind dr.Snuggles are from swedish comic called "Bamse".
Information can be find here http://www.bamse.net/"

That Boule (?) figure I really like. It is hard to find Belgium comic heroes figures here in Finland so everyone is worth a celebration. If only I could find Gaston, Tintin, Spirou and Les Schtroumpfs figures soon :)


Postby Fram » Fri Jan 28, 2005 3:03 am
More information on Boule et Bill (Bolllie & Billie in Dutch). It's in French, but it may give an idea.
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby Guest » Fri Jan 28, 2005 3:25 am
I can get Boule & Bill as well if you like them. :D

Postby Syd Smurf » Fri Jan 28, 2005 3:28 am
Ah...but can you get Bill & Ben the flower pot men?

Postby Bunno Smurf » Fri Jan 28, 2005 3:40 am
Oh no, you pulled a Bunno :-D

ok ok lets clear this up. Re: The DVD - I gave them the wrong EMAIL address not my mailing address. I mistyped it and put a 3 instead of the 4. What makes it blonde is they sent my password to my "email" address so now I can't log on as they sent my password to an imaginary email address.

And that was only half of my blonde moment.

But the DVD is here now so all is well in Bunnoland.
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby Tojo » Fri Jan 28, 2005 3:45 am
Ah...but can you get Bill & Ben the flower pot men?
flob a dob a lob a dob :)

:beer: glug a glug a flob :)

Postby Tojo » Fri Jan 28, 2005 3:47 am
lorks a lordy! that was my 100th post. cor eh! etc etc. (I've only been drinking tea this morning, honest gov'ner)

Postby Guest » Fri Jan 28, 2005 5:43 am
flob a dob a lob a dob
I'm a dog called Dill pant pant pant

Oh dear we are showing our age aren't we? Actually I don't remember half these things but my brother insists on reminding me every now and then :)

Postby Tojo » Fri Jan 28, 2005 6:57 am
We've got 2 Parsley videos & a Camberwick Green video. My kids love them. I always find myself singing along to the songs while they're watching! :-D
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