Hi all, here are a few new avatars to choose from. To add or edit your avatar, open your profile page (link at top of this page), scroll down to the avatar control panel and then click on "Show Gallery".
Yes rachel, don't be dissappointed if noone changes, it's not that we don't like them, but we all love our current ones so much
But they are great for new members, which arrive slowly but steadily.
Hi guys, these new ones are not for you lot with your jiggly eyes and strumming hands.
Thanks for the nice words though, these are for all our lovely new members who haven't got round to picking an avatar yet - you know who your are............
If Syd was to join the forum on his own I am wondering which avatars would most suit him.....Beer, Carneval.....maybe....but I am thinking Vanity with the mirror would be pretty spot on. I think the mirrored ceiling in his cottage is so he can still see himself more than anything.....there's no helping some smurfs I suppose.
Fantastic avatars Rach and I can already see Tojo eyeing off the Köing Beer smurf...lol
Wow, Rachel, you created the real Drunksmurf! I've grown so attached to Quacksalver though.... I finally even bought the guy... maybe I should change my ID to "snakeoil" and live with it.... Quacksalver looks too shrewd to be a booze-hound.
Well, like Superman has a daytime job in the big city, perhaps SuperSmurf has a daytime job deep in the jungle?
Then again, even a small city park will look like 'deep in the jungle' for a Smurf
I could so kiss you rachel. . . . . . . . . . i got my wild. i can finally be me. And to make things even better my partner bought me a wild in leaf car for my birthday