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Postby Syd Smurf » Mon Mar 28, 2005 8:12 pm
Hi guys

I received 6 packages today which might be a record for me including one from the lovely Gerda and one from the lovely Trish who sent me a whole heap of the Marching Band smurfs for my display box. I haven't been able to get home and look at any of these yet except for 3 others that arrived at work.

Now it's hard to be grumpy with news like that but I received a package today that took about 4 weeks to arrive from the US for spare smurf parts. The seller charged me $14 US postage which I thought was too dear but paid it anyway trusting the seller. The box arrived today with a postage stamp of $7.10 US.....not happy.

I have emailed the seller in my best fish & chip voice with a "Please Explain" & a "I don't understand"

As far as I am concerned, there is no justifying charging double the postage...especially when the items were loosely wrapped in paper and stuck in an old box.

I am not willing to cop this because I just feel it is so wrong to let people get away with this.

Will let you know what happens and will reveal the seller's name if I do not get an answer soon.


Postby attombomb7 » Mon Mar 28, 2005 9:07 pm
I agree

shipping costs are sometimes way too high and its so annoying seeing a
package with low postage..

hope they give you a good answer Andrew:)
Image Attom


CHECK out my new website
Hogatha's Fake and licenced Smurfs collection

(my fake smurf collection ):)

Postby SA Smurfette » Mon Mar 28, 2005 9:37 pm
Well i paid $10 US potage when it was actually $2.60 :shock:

It's bad enough overseas post is so expensive and to still get ripped off :banghead:


Postby Syd Smurf » Mon Mar 28, 2005 9:42 pm
That's awful Raelene with these sellers charging way over what the actual postage is. I agree, postage really builds up when you are buying a lot and when sellers charge you double then it's just ridiculous. I guess it's always comforting when you deal with people like Karen as you know they think about the postage we have to pay and would never double the postage cost like some people do.

About 3 hours to go until I can go home and play with the packages.....I feel like acting sick so I can go home early but the people here know me too well.....they know I am happy today so they also must know I have smurfs as well.


Postby Bunno Smurf » Mon Mar 28, 2005 11:51 pm
Well heres a good news postage story. Fram sent me a package from Belgium postmarked 12.3.05 by seamail and it arrived today 29.3.05. Thats pretty impressive in my opinion, especially as there was the Easter public holidays in there also. It took one package about 3 months sea mail to arrive from the US. Aust Post says it takes about 6-8 weeks sea mail so 2.5 is great!

On the 12.3.05 I ordered some photos on the Internet that came from Queensland and they arrived today also (Which I'm mad about as I wanted them for Eloise's birthday!!). Its scary that something from Belgium coming by boat can arrive here at the same time as something from Queensland. :eek:

Anyway...thanks for the smurfs Frammy baby! Hope my airmail ones turn up soon to your place! :)
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby Syd Smurf » Tue Mar 29, 2005 12:21 am
Hi Linda

They must of been sent by economy air.....there is no way in the world that they came by boat as it normally takes about 3 months for packages to arrive.

I have heard from my local friendly postal oficer who sometimes acts too friendly that at times packages which are meant to be sent via surface do occasionally get sent by air....it hasn't happened to me but that is what I believe has happened to you.....you can always rely on Framo.....he's better than Reflex paper.

I have had some super dooper fast packages arrive too recently. I paid for a package from America last weekend and it arrived on Wednesday...that's 4 days. Another package that I paid for on Thursday last week arrived today....the packages from this seller normally take longer too so even the seller couldn't believed it arrived so quick....and with the holidays on either side too which is just amazing. Karen is a seller who is always known to have fast packages arrive too.....although there is a rumour going around (started by me) that she may be getting friendly with the postal worker......of course if my packages start turning up really quick then rumours might start circulating about my friendly (don't stand so close) postal worker here in Australia.


Postby SA Smurfette » Tue Mar 29, 2005 1:21 am
I agree :D

Karen's packages are always extremely fast.

Probably the fastest ever international seller i've dealt with :worship:

That's probably why i was suprised the snow had melted. :) :)


Postby Guest » Tue Mar 29, 2005 4:03 am
That's probably why i was suprised the snow had melted.
LOL that tickled me Raelene :) :) :) :)

Postby Syd Smurf » Tue Mar 29, 2005 7:10 pm
Here's the response I got from the seller:

Hi again, international shipping is estimated before actually purchased, and
we do charge $1-2 for handling. I'd be willing to refund $5.00 of the
shipping via Paypal since it was overestimated by so much, send me your Paypal ID
and I'll have it done.

WHAT A DICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, but he got a gobful from me as what he says is a load of crap as far as I am comcerned and demonstartes some shonky business practices.


Postby kira1970_ » Wed Mar 30, 2005 2:42 am
I have just noticed this post. I have never checked the postage cost on the package when it has arrived. I will be from now on. Especially when it is most often the case, postage is more expensive than the items.
I am asuming it was an ebay seller. I would be leaving a remark about the postage on their feedback.

Postby Bunno Smurf » Wed Mar 30, 2005 2:55 am
I agree its a load of rubbish, Dyar. They can get on the internet and work out how much it costs on USPS or UPS so theres really no excuse.

Plus they could just tell you they'll have to find out how much it costs and then go down to the PO and find out.

One guy charged Phil the postage plus an extra $5US for petrol money because he reckoned he lived 50km from the nearest Post Office. I felt like saying thats your problem mate, not mine! I bet it doesn't cost him $5 per package to get there anyway.
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby Tamtam » Wed Mar 30, 2005 3:50 am
I have been the victim of high postage costs also. I emailed one seller and the excuse was handling charges which included her "time" and the price of gas. Very annoying really.
Postby melchior » Wed Mar 30, 2005 6:31 am
Hi people, i know what all of you are talking about.......we are all victims of the postage.
Well WE? I`m not because i know the prices since i work for Maltapost (Maltese post). As far as i can see all the postages were all abnormally high.
I do not think its a good thing to give a cheaper price on a smurf and than you get the difference on postage.
So ,to all of those who i am going to buy from ....its better to be realistic in postage prices rather than find yourself in my blacklist.

Maltese Smurf

Postby Bunno Smurf » Wed Mar 30, 2005 7:20 am
What I do now is ask the seller what the packed weight will be and then check out the websites. I've bookmarked them in my favourites.

Heres the website for International parcels from Australia Post if anyone is interested:


We get charged by the 250g which bites when you're only sending one smurf :(

Heres the USPS International postage calculator:


If anyone has any other ones from their countries it'd be interesting to look at them. Canadian Post seems to be dear to me....much dearer than US. :-?
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby Syd Smurf » Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:23 pm
I have found Canadian post dear too Linda.

Postby JT » Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:47 pm
I´ve always trusted sellers with postal charge. I never check actual cost. That must change from now on...although usually seller gives shipping cost in advance and I´ve agreed to pay that no matter what. What a nice way to get something extra from buyer :???:


Postby Syd Smurf » Thu Mar 31, 2005 12:43 am

I am pretty much the same by not checking the postage too much. I have a fairly good idea on postage costs these days so I will only check if the price sounds too much which was the case with the one I was talking about earlier in this thread. Just for the record, I received a $5 US cash back from the seller because he realised that he charged too much.....which by the time Paypal eats it up it became about $4.65. Not the best since I paid $6.90 US in extra postage but at least it's something....well it's not even the money really is it? It's more the principal that sellers shouldn't be charging double postage and should make sure it is accurate just like Linda said. The seller would of known it was not accurate but chose to ignore that in which case I think he was being dishonest.

I bought a smurf house in Germany recently and I was getting it posted to my friend's address also in Germany. The seller asked for about 14 euros postage within Germany which I knew had to be totally wrong. I mentioned this to my friend who said "It's totally wrong as you only wanted a smurf house posted not the seller's actual house. Do you want me to get tough with them?"......lol.....apparently he did and the postage was less than half of the quoted price I think.

He also mentioned that there are a few sellers out there who try to rip people off on postage especially people like me from other countries so beware of it. I must admit that I haven't had cause for concern very often although it's a good thing to be aware of especially if you feel the postage was a lot more than you thought.

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