Home of the Smurf Community

The place for new members to introduce themselves
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Postby MsSmurfy » Fri Apr 08, 2005 11:18 am
I am not sure if this is the 'smurfy~place' or not for one to say a smurfy HELLO! Simply thought it looked safe enough on this forum to be able to say "HELLO" as a newbie. May I also compliment you on such an awesome site! I have been so alone with my lil smurf'n fetish that it was kinda common place to be the unique one among all others! Now I see that there is a "Smurf Community" & was kind of excited to 'smurf right on in'! Hopefully, time will allow us all to get aquainted! Take Care~
"Little things mean alot" A smile is like the window to one's soul, indicating the 'heart' is home! Smile @@ smurfy~style!

Postby Yonna » Fri Apr 08, 2005 12:09 pm
I had the same feeling earlier too!!
You are gonna love this place! I know I do!!

Postby Guest » Fri Apr 08, 2005 12:21 pm
Hi, wow!!! I have been looking at your pictures on your website!!! You live in a lovely area and those birds are gorgeous!! They are the kind of photos you want to look through on a rainy, snowy day in the UK because they are so lovely, they really cheered me up! Thank you! :D

Welcome to the forum and I hope you enjoy it as much as we do. I am now wondering if all your smurfs have sun tans and imagining them laying out in their hammocks in your garden! :) :) :)

Postby XoioX2000 » Fri Apr 08, 2005 2:58 pm
They are the kind of photos you want to look through on a rainy, snowy day in the UK because they are so lovely, they really cheered me up! Thank you! :D
Just like today then! :) :)

Welcome MsSmurfy! :D


:dragon: I like the smell of Napalm, first thing in the morning...:dragon:
Check out The Dragon's Cave

Postby Rachel » Fri Apr 08, 2005 3:42 pm
Hi MsSmurfy, welcome aboard. :welcome:
I have been so alone with my lil smurf'n fetish that it was kinda common place to be the unique one among all others!
There is no need to be worried anymore, I am sure you will fit right in here. Have you been collecting long?

Love the pics in your gallery. :D
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
[Blue Imps Smurf Collection] [Bass Clef Strings] [Your Page]

Postby eggie smurf » Fri Apr 08, 2005 4:26 pm
Welcome aboard, MsSmurfy!! I'm glad you found this place where your smurfing is commonplace-- in a good way :cheers:
:dory: Staci :dory:

Postby aussiesmurfer » Fri Apr 08, 2005 4:37 pm
Hello MsSmurfy

Welcome, glad you found us!

You'll have a great time here, I know I do. :D


Postby SA Smurfette » Fri Apr 08, 2005 5:48 pm
:welcome: MsSmurfy

Everyone is really friendly & helpful, so i'm sure you'll fit in :D


Postby SMURFYSTEVE1 » Fri Apr 08, 2005 5:54 pm
Hi MsSmurfy glad you found us. I know you will like it here we are a freindly bunch of smurfies so i know you will fit in. :D Welcome abord.:welcome: :welcome: :welcome:
Smurfy regards, Steve. :D

Postby Syd Smurf » Fri Apr 08, 2005 7:16 pm
Welcome Ms Smurfy :wave2:

I am glad you came and joined us too as we love meeting new people who come and share in the fun of this place. Please tell us a bit about your collection (How long have you been collecting?, How many you have? etc).

I hope to get to know you as well as the other people here and please feel free to make this forum your forum too as you are totally welcome to join in and say anything that comes to mind. We are all friendly and appreciate your courage for taking the plunge and saying "Hi" to all of us.

Look forward to chatting to you as we go along :hyper:


PS - Don't forget there are more emoticons you can use by clicking on the "view more emoticons" link under the ones that appear on your composition page.....I didn't realise they were there at first and thought maybe you didn't either :-? so that might help
Postby MsSmurfy » Fri Apr 08, 2005 8:48 pm
Thank you ALL so very much for such a 'warm' & sincere 'smurfy' welcome! Ya know~ I must at least admit that my nickname has ALWAYS kinda attracted the most compromising individuals ALL the years I have been online! If you will understand that...honestly~ everyone I have ever encountered online have somehow sensed an undeniable attraction towards my 'nickname! LOL..I KNOW~ wierd huh?? But, my nickname was placed upon me waaaaaaay back in the early '80's...by my husband (who I am now married to for 30yrs this March22)...He was the one who FIRST brought the internet into our home! My being so very nieve~I was worried about our young daughters at the time, being subject to a world of extreme vulnerability! So my hubby kinda forced me into exploring the 'new world of the internet' by giving me a nickname simply on a whim & I found my first place of fascinating interaction~ called "Parent_Soup"...That is where my online smurfy identity began...which by the way I was simply called "smurfy"....then as I LEARNED & became totally ADDICTED to being able to 'touch & interact' with people all around the world...I began a very deep involvement into the world of MIRC! MIRC was a very complicated program BUT one which you could get AWAY from the 'ugly' infiltrators who had more then simple talking,interaction & innocent friendships in mind(if ya know what I mean??). Being in MIRC...I struggled long & hard to understand the lingo & eventually opened my own 'private' & 'safe' room for many friends around the world...we would share MUSIC primarily(which I TRULY LOVE) and we could meet in an area(private room called 'smurfy's place') without worry of X_rated or PORNO infiltration! So there is briefly HOW I became a lil smurf within the information highway~Internet! Soooo, that alone informs many ...that I have been out here for MANY years!! Eventually, my closest friends within the MIRC room ...began calling me "MsSmurfy" & that has kinda stuck til today! I have had MANY try to replicate OR steal my identity in various situations...BUT all who REALLY knew the REAL "MsSmurfy" knew indeed when one would try to steal the cute lil identity bestowed upon me by my few hundred online friends! Unfortunately, after I closed my MIRC room, ONE person in S.Africa managed to somehow steal not ONLY my identity BUT also my OLDEST & very FIRST email address which was MsSmurfy@hotmail.com...NOW is MsSmurfy54@hotmail.com.... The person we caught was totally unknowing HOW we did that...BUT it was because my hubby had hooked up all our home computers on a network...& with him across the hall from me on one puter & I on mine...he hollered..."HEY...are you online?"...I answered "NOPE"...then he showed me my nick....then we talked to that person...eventually it turned out, that this person regularly changes their nick from smurfy to BUG to Weirdo, to whatever....Anyways, they managed to take my initial identity/email.... So I prefer to make SURE that ALL people are aware of this...simply to protect my reputation! If ya know what I mean!? Afterall~ I AM new here...kindly confront me OR ASK me FIRST before passing any judgement upon me! *wink! If you are aware as most of us are nowadays...the internet is FULL of weirdo's in various extremes!! I DO HOPE I haven't scared anyone with all that info...cause HONESTLY once you get to KNOW me...you will NOT have ANY problem deciphering the REAL MsSmurfy from the pretend one! Maybe that person has a multiple personality disorder...LOL...who knows ~ RIGHT??? OK...NOW you see that I can truly be a "YAKKER"...lil motormouth' huh? *wink...Don't worry....I mostly keep to myself...I promise NOT to "over_YAK'...Although I am very "EXCITED" to be a part of genuine 'smurf_oriented' world! I always have told my friends & closest aquaintances that they ought to consider themselves LUCKY to be in coresspondence with a 'SMURF' because the SMURFS are somewhat 'extinct' & OH how LUCKY they are to have a "smurf" in their life!!!!! :lol: When my hubby & I took a trip to Canada (first ever & to meet an online friend...) we were AMAZED to see that the "SMURFS" are totally alive & abundantly pronounced there! They are on TV, the stores sell smurf Pez's & posters etc...What the heck happened in the USA I don't know@! But I do remember when my girls were young, 'smurfs' were around vividly & pronounced in the late 70's!! Now, it seems that 'smurfs' ONLY EXIST in the UK, Germany & Canada!! :( I wonder 'WHY"??? I am so very EXCITED to have found this board/community....I feel like 'new_life' has been brought before me!!! I so "L@@K forward" to interacting with you all! I am happy that a few of you have 'peeked' into my web_shots site...because exotic birds has been a BIG part of my life since nearing a 'life_death' situation~(another story I may share with you all later on...)! However, I do rescue & rehome exotic birds across the US & beyond with the help of Avian vets & notorious exotic avian educated individuals. All for NO $$$$ or compensation....simply thru heartfelt compassion & necessity to be the "voice of Mother Nature's creatures" who can not speak for themselves! I hope you enjoyed seeing a few of the feathered ones who are indeed a big part of our family! Our feathered ones are even mentioned in our 'will' because their life span is approximately 50-80 years & beyond! Which means ...'we may be long gone BEFORE them...so our reponsibility is to make sure they will be cared for IF our time on earth is cut short or determined to END before them! Oohh my...I had better "HUSH" for now....you all are going to think I am one ongoing 'chatter_box' whom no_one knows where the 'shut_up' switch is at!! :!:
"Little things mean alot" A smile is like the window to one's soul, indicating the 'heart' is home! Smile @@ smurfy~style!

Postby attombomb7 » Fri Apr 08, 2005 9:06 pm
Hi Smurfy!

:) that was such a nice letter or post I mean! very sweet for you to be so talkative ...and honest..and real!

welcome to our fun smurf forum!! you sound like someone who can

teach us some things too:)
Image Attom


CHECK out my new website
Hogatha's Fake and licenced Smurfs collection

(my fake smurf collection ):)

Postby Syd Smurf » Fri Apr 08, 2005 11:48 pm
Well Ms Smurfy....I have to put my hand up and admit to being a little bit of a weirdo....at times.....more so in the company of fellow forum member Stace.......but I will try to unweird myself even in the company of the blue fish known around these parts as Stace.....and behave myself so you should have nothing to fear.

Thanks for the long letter telling us a bit about yourself......do you have any pics of your smurf collection that you could share with us?


Postby Little lucie @ Simon » Sat Apr 09, 2005 1:38 am
Just at times Dyar :) :) Only joking. Welcome MsSmurfy, hope you enjoy the smurf community. We all look forward to chatting with you, how many smurfs do you have?. . :D Lucie & Simon

Postby Guest » Sat Apr 09, 2005 1:54 am
I keep meaning to visit an Exotic Pet Refuge Centre which is in the same village as where I live, I keep missing their open days though! Their website is below: -


After seeing your pictures I think I will make more of an effort now. I do like birds, my older brother used to be involved in the ringing of wild birds to track where they have been flying to and from. He sometimes let me help him, I would hold them while he put the ring on the leg. It's amazing to think of the distances that wild birds travel.

Postby Fram » Sat Apr 09, 2005 2:38 am
:welcome: MsSmurfy, nice to have you around. Feel free to talk away, we are all babbling all the time and it's the best way to get to know people. I hope you'll feel at home here :grouphug:
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:
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