Here we go... the paint is still drying...
In the first World War, Captain Elliot Spencer witnessed many atrocities, his appetites were indulged, but it was through the Lament Configuration and the order of the gash that a world of experience beyond limits would open up to him and eventually become his domain. Now with his crown of golden pins embedded deep into his skull, he walks the corridors of hell and the nightmares and fantasies of the living.
He has now entered the realm of the little blue men and has just completed the training of his first pupil: The Dark Smurf of Pain has risen. He is the Leviathan's Smurf of the Damned.
He holds the recently discovered mini version of the Lemarchand's box, constructed by a master craftsman, just like its larger counterpart. It is used just like the larger one as the Lament Configuration, which gives you the mean and the way to raise hell...
Here is:
The Dark Smurf of Pain