You know, you take a smurf like 2.0037 Thinker Smurf and the difference between small mold and large mold is quite enough to justify calling it a different smurf.
On the other hand, variations between like red or green swim trunks on 2.0014 are more of a curiosity.
I mean, personally, my collection seems incomplete without both versions of 2.0037, but the variations on 2.0014 amount to the same figure, just different colors. Or take the differences in small mold and large mold Black/Angry Smurf. Those are different smurfs--not really variants!
I don't know where I'm going with this.
I don't have access to DSK catalog. Does it eunumerate all these variations?
Had anyone tried to compile a "Smurf Archetype" catalog? For instance, 2.0014 strikes me as a "small mold" version of Super Smurf 4.0261. And on a different note, how many basketball smurf "remakes" are there (dribbling with one hand and holding the other hand out)? Counting the McDonalds one, three. And look at all the mileage Schleich got out of apple / pumpkin / surprise cone / gargamel gift smurf.