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Postby Rashleigh » Thu Feb 09, 2006 11:19 pm
Well I am tieing the knot and having my smurfs along as witnesses.

I now offically brooke with the arrangments of my smurfy wedding. I am looking for anyone who has smurf cake tins.
So far I have got myself a large smurf cake pan that is holding a sign, however I am sure that I have seen other large cake pans of a normal smurf and smurffette. I have also got a smurf muffin tin, my wedding couple with the gown smurfette and tuxedo smurf as witnesses for teh wedding cake. I have my smurf hair pins for my hair. I am also looking for smurf ear rings but have only found belly button ones (that would not be an attractive look)

I have also got a smurf sheet to be used as a table cloth for the table for the wedding cake.
If any one has ideas or has items that are willing to part with for my wedding please pm.
Happy to be a Smurfy Mummy

Postby Syd Smurf » Thu Feb 09, 2006 11:31 pm
Hi Rashleigh

:balloons: CONGRATULATIONS :balloons:

It's nice to see you here as I remember you from ebay in the past. I don't have any smurf cake tins although I have thought about getting some in the past. I hope you do find something and I wish you and your partner all the best for the wedding and for the years after. I hope he likes smurfs...lol.

Best of luck :wave:


Postby Fram » Fri Feb 10, 2006 2:12 am
Congratulations! :woohoo: :twirl:

As for Smurfy ideas: I don't think one of the Smurf costumes that are sometimes on eBay would be such a good idea :) but they often sell cake tins (or something similar) on eBay USA, like here, here,
or here.
As you can see, they have different models, and they come up on eBay USA all the time (search for Wilton Smurf).

Good luck!
:sheep: Bored of normality, why not go smurf? :sheep:

Postby Rachel » Fri Feb 10, 2006 3:47 pm
Hi Rashleigh,

:balloons: CONGRATULATIONS :balloons:

I really hope all goes well and that you have a lovely day. You must promise to post pics of the big day. :-D

We hadn't redisovered smurfs when we got married but for both my brother's and sister's weddings, I managed to sneak the bridal smurfs onto their cake tables. :shhh: :smile:
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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