I will travel to Prague and Budapest next week...I think it´s difficult but...does anybody know if is possible and where to buy smurfs in these two cities?
i just emailed my friend to ask her......she went to Prague and brought me back some smurf marshmallows...lol..........but i think i remember her saying she saw some figurines there as well.....i'll let you know what she said
We were at the grocery store and I saw them there. maybe they'll have em cuz it's easter or somethign........
We did walk into a courtyard mall in Prague as well and there were small figurines........but I couldn't tell you where it was. Other than that, I don't remember seeing smurf anything. but, we couldn't have possibly gone to every nook & cranny there either. Budapest, I don't know....we did a ton of walking, but I never saw anything......but we mostly were looking at museums & statues & churches.
i think she only saw candy at the grocery store in Prague....
Thank you very much...I knew it was difficult to find smurfs there...Prague and Budapest are so beautiful cities that it´s impossible that some smurfs don´t live there...I will look and look, and I hope to see at least one smurf, perhaps hidden inside stones of one of the wonderful buildings waiting for me...