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Postby Rachel » Sat Oct 16, 2004 5:49 pm
Last night we were watching a programme on model railways (I know, I know!), anyway I was facinated by how detailed the scenery was. Mountains, valleys, villages, they all look so realistic, plus many of the displays were using little LED lights and lots of other flashy things. I can't wait to have a smurf room as even though I don't intend to display the whole collection in scenes, I would love to have a go at making a few and it would be great fun to use some of the scenery used for model railways.

Hey Dyar, how is your mountain doing?
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Postby Guest » Sun Oct 17, 2004 2:14 am
I actually just took the phone number of a guy in my shop who does Hornby, etc. to ask him about getting me some of the scenery for smurf scenes. Great minds!! :-D

Postby Syd Smurf » Sun Oct 17, 2004 3:27 am
Hi Rachel, I know what you mean with model railway dyaramas (sorry had to), I bought a book about 5 months ago that shows how to do a lot of the scenery and I would love to create what they have in the book. They do mountains, plains, snow, forest scenes, deserts, cities, waterfalls and a great beach scene which I want to do for all of the beach and water smurfs such as boats, swimmers, surfers, lifeguards etc.

They look so cool and unfortunately my smurf room is just not big enough to do what I want as U have no room for the beach scene that I used to have in the old display. My smurf room is so tight that Mrs Dyar can't actually go into the room as she has bits that I don't which makes it impossible for her to fit through the small gap that leads to the centre of the room.....even I have to turn sideways to get in there and I sometimes knock smurfs over doing it.

If you guys have any more info to share or if youwant to know something from my book regarding a particular scene then please post it here.


Postby kira1970_ » Mon Oct 18, 2004 4:28 am
Hi Rachel,

Just reading your post about the model trains show you saw. There is a display in Hobart and it is rated highly in the world. Also I did not realise until I was looking at the site to post the addy, they have an interactive Smurf display. I will be going to visit it soon to check it out. Anyway the web page has some great ideas for a smurf village.


I couldnt get a link to attach to this post.


Postby Guest » Mon Oct 18, 2004 10:41 am
Thanks for that link, Kira. Those photos are really nice and yes they do give you lots of ideas! :grin:

Postby Rachel » Fri Oct 22, 2004 4:23 pm
Hi Kira Thank You very much for showing us that website, I have had great fun looking at the displays, how I would love to see these in real life. :eek:

Just in case anyone missed Kira's other post, here is the link:
http://www.alpenrail.com.au/html/smurf_ ... _page.html
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