Another update:
Because the cancer I have is very unusual and normally does not grow in the uterus, some of the doctors who reviewed the pictures and path report suggested that Dr. D (my cancer doctor) go for a CT scan of my chest to make sure there is nothing on my lungs.
The good thing was that he had taken biopsies of the kidneys and liver and both are clear (this cancer usually grows in the kidneys).
As you can imagine, I was very nervous about this scan, even though I had received a clear x-ray three years prior to the surgery.
I had the scan done on Tuesday, and was scheduled for my first Chemo treatment today. I am actually still there waiting for the treatment to wrap up in probably another hour.
Anyway, the news of the scan today is
"All is clear - there are no abnormalities on my lungs at all"
You don't know how much it meant to me to receive this good news. It looks like that this cancer really stayed locally and hopefully will be killed by the Chemo and radiation
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