Well Maureen,
that is a lot of smurfs.
This is the ones I am missing:
I miss 5 Polkadots: Rocking horse, Smurfette on bike, Kitchen, bicycle( 40501), kayak.
I miss 2 Schlumpfiade: Fencer and pole vault.
I miss 2 olympiaschlumpf: bicycle and Hockeyplayer.
I miss all 6 olympiansmurf.
I miss 16 super with both schlumpf and smurf under. Sledder, chimney sweeper, leafboard, skier, fisherman, signbearer, butterfly catcher, gargamel, prisoner in cage, chain gang, stickhorse, photographer, rockinghorse, Volleyball, papa with blackboard and hammock.
I miss 9 superschlumpf. Leafboard, skier, fisherman, stickhorse, windsurfer, fireman, photographer, schooldesk, lawnmover and motocross. And other with articlenumber higher than 40218. I have not seen so many of these and don´t know when they stopped making these.
Many hongkongboxes. I already have 40203,204,205,211,215,217,218,219,223,224,226,507,508,509.
Many UK-boxes( I have only seen 11 which I don´t have but I believe there could be 16): I already have 205, 206,207,217,220,222.
I miss 6 UK- smportsmurf: Kayak, fencer, hockeplayer, polevault, weightlifter and boxer.
Many of these I have not seen yet but I believe they all exist.
And I have almost all different versions of the supersmurfs already except for some "hard to find ones", like hongkong-made jokey with trickbox. So actually I just need the box for many of these.
Many of these are very easy to find but I have just started looking so I guess there will be around 10 that will be very hard to find.
But I am in no hurry and it is just nice to have something to look for.