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Postby attombomb7 » Tue Aug 10, 2004 8:20 pm
hey! here is awesome lot!!

tons of these?? are they real?????????????????

we will all bid on them???

Attom :D

Postby Syd Smurf » Wed Aug 11, 2004 3:51 am
Hi Attom

Not sure if these are real or not but I would like a real one. Maybe we all should put the cash in and get some and then sell off the spares.


Postby Rachel » Wed Aug 11, 2004 3:54 am
This smurf has been discussed a few times before on Pete's board. The conclusion always reached is that it is a fake. The green sticks come from another Bully figure.


Here is a picture from Ösi-Schlumpf's Homepage which is a great resource for fake smurfs. Here is a rough translation of what he says:

"Also an example of an accessory combination at present with Ebay their nuisance floats (uncovered of colleague Karmaik): the itinerant tradesman with the green staff. The staff comes from the Kater Tom or this IDA Bohatta bear of Bully. Sowas is usually "Flohmarktfund" under the title; sold."

I seem to remember that these smurfs with a green stick only appeared for the first time in the 2003 KMS catalogue, if anyone can confirm this much appreciated.
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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Postby Syd Smurf » Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:06 am
Hi Rachel

I just looked in the 2000/01 KMS Schlumpfe book and it only featured the long and short orange versions. I didn't know there was a 2003 version of this book available. What's on the cover on the 2003 edition so I can keep a look out.


PS - Here is the photo of the book I have (in between Frank Oswald's katalog).....this is the KMS series that you were talking about isn't it?


Postby Rachel » Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:19 am
Hi Dyar, Thanks for confirming that it isn't shown the the 2000/2001 KMS catalogue.

Yes there is a newer version. It was noted at the time of it's release that many "new variations" suddenly appeared in it.

Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
[Blue Imps Smurf Collection] [Bass Clef Strings] [Your Page]

Postby Syd Smurf » Wed Aug 11, 2004 5:59 am
Thanks Rachel...I have seen that one but it didn't register that it was a new one for some reason. Okay so I will have to keep an eye out for that one too.

Thanks again


Postby Rachel » Fri Aug 13, 2004 1:11 pm
As the saying goes:

They are like buses, you don't see any for a while and then suddenly.....

Here are some more green stick traveller auctions!

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 65391&rd=1

http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... 57838&rd=1

Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
[Blue Imps Smurf Collection] [Bass Clef Strings] [Your Page]
Postby attombomb7 » Fri Aug 13, 2004 5:01 pm
hi..I never knew they were fakes.. but I do have a cute little bully

Jerry figure ( from Tom & Jerry) who has a yellow bag..

just like the rare yellow version of the wanderer! its the same as the green and red bags.

Attom :D

Postby Rachel » Sat Aug 14, 2004 2:22 pm
Hi Attom, well the auction just finished at quite a hefty price. There will no doubt be a flood of these on Ebay for a while as they are sold off seperately.

IMHO I don't believe these were ever released together ie. traveller smurf and green stick. I agree it would be great to have one in your collection for the diversity BUT I don't think they should be sold as "test" or "rare" variations for silly high prices. If I was you I would have taken the yellow bag from poor old Jerry and hey presto, a VERY rare smurf. :D :D :D :D
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
[Blue Imps Smurf Collection] [Bass Clef Strings] [Your Page]
Postby attombomb7 » Sat Aug 14, 2004 7:45 pm
hi Rachel!

I agree with you about those green wanderer's flooding the market..

I bet they may even be cheap?/ to bad cause I bought a green one last year not knowing it was a fake..but then I collect fakes so now it'll be in my fake collection instead! hehehehhe!

and I may just post the rarest wanderer of them all the very very rare

Yellow stick wanderer..

Attom :D

Postby Syd Smurf » Sun Aug 15, 2004 12:44 am
I'll take one for cheap

Postby XoioX2000 » Sun Sep 05, 2004 4:21 pm
Thank you so much for all the info about the green and yellow wanderer...

I was really wondering about the green one in particular as only a couple of guys seem to sell it in eBay


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Postby Syd Smurf » Sun Sep 05, 2004 5:33 pm
I finally won a Green Traveler last night (for 6 Euro) in a dutch auction where 5 were available. It seems they will be quite common for a little while after that big auction at the top of this thread. Now if I can just get a yellow and a red one like you have Attom then I will be happy....for the moment.


PS - Hi David...just thought I would say hello as I haven't done so yet :-D
Postby attombomb7 » Sun Sep 05, 2004 9:17 pm
great Dyar that you finally got one!! have you got the yellow traveller yet???

and hi DAVID!! you seem to have a awesome collections too!

Attom :D :D

Postby Syd Smurf » Sun Sep 05, 2004 9:37 pm
Hi Attom

No red or yellow travelers yet. I would love one though so I will keep my eyes stapled to my forehead with no sleep until I find one.......or maybe sticky tape....staples sounds like it might hurt a bit.......actually sticky tape might be ouchy too.....maybe blue tac is the way to go.

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