Thought I give you a quick update on everything. I've been dealing with some severe bleeding issues since October which left me so weak, that taking a shower exhausted me to the point I had to lay down before drying myself off, or having to lay down on the stairs after a walk with the dogs while they ate.
In January, I was diagnosed with anemia and had to go to an oncologist (I think that's the correct term for blood doctors) who took a lot of blood samples and ruled out cancer..but said the anemia is due to iron definiency. My stored iron was at a 4 when it should be at a 100. He immediately put me on weekly iron infusions. The blood loss did not decrease so unfortunately the blood level did not increase as much as I hoped.
Today, I had to undergo an outpatient surgery (my first time of being put to sleep) during which several cysts were discovered that did not show up on an ultrasound and surprised the doctor. Not something you want to hear and I am now anxiously awaiting the results of the samples to find out if they are benign (non-cancerous) or well..let's not go there now

These cysts will grow back and depending how fast they grow I will have to undergo major surgery sometime in the future. Again, I am not thinking of it right now.
I am going back on Tuesday to the blood doctor to see how today's surgery has affected my blood count..obviously I am praying it has not impacted it negatively and I am soon released from the weekly iron infusions.
The good news is that they did an EKG on Monday on me to see how my heart functions..and the EKG was perfect...heart disease runs in my family so this was a huge relief:D
Anyway, just a not so quick update on what has been going on and why I have not always been that much around.
At least I am strong enough to buy smurfs