Hi everybody!
Also I will introduce myself. My name is Karin and I am from The Netherlands and of course a smurf collector, since ca. 10 years.
In my youth I collected them from the BP gasstation and then these smurfs staid somewhere at my parents house for a long time.
When a collegue from work, whom is also a smurf collector, asked me if I had smurfs and if he could get them, I search the smurfs at my parents house, but then I decided not to give them away but to start my own collection and since then I have the smurf virus
At the moment I am on holiday in Italy but when I am back in Holland I will upload some pictures of my collection and I also have a question about one special promo smurf. I want to ask you if one of you already saw this smurf before. At one of the Blue Paradise Fair I showed him to Tintin but I am wondering if someone else maybe has more information. It is the supersmurf on trapeze with the text on his body "deukanine" As far as I know is deukanine a kind of rabbit food. Anyway, i will post the picture as soon as I am back.
Looking forward to chat with you about smurfs....
Greetings, Karin