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Postby André » Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:53 pm

I got another display from Brazil this week. It is the house for Papai smurf. I wanted to show the pictures since they are slightly different in construction and looks.

The smurfete house looks older and has different colours. The backside is also made of wood.

The papai smurf house has exactly the same design( hole on the back, stands on the sides, wooden frame, front made of masonite, same size etc), but the backside is made of masonite instead of wood.

If any other collectors have any of these, do they look the same? Lia??

I also got the surfer with the heringmarked surfboard from this collector!! :-D Finally! :lol: Now I just want the sunbather with green pants. The one I got now is a minimodels sunbather with blocked Heringmarkings. :D
heringhousesbackside.jpg (93.07 KiB) Viewed 3346 times
heringhousesfront.jpg (89.97 KiB) Viewed 3346 times

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby André » Sun Nov 25, 2012 12:59 pm
I also noticed that the telephone smurf, which Lia showed can be doublemarked, also can have different size on the hering and made in Brazil markings. Smaller or bigger markings. :-? :D

Still as always cavitynumber 1.
heringtelephone.jpg (78.86 KiB) Viewed 3343 times

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby Lia » Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:03 pm
My papai house on the back looks like your smurfette house ( I think?)
Great that you got it!!
Hering papai huis.jpg
Hering papai huis.jpg (80.31 KiB) Viewed 3341 times

Postby Lia » Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:05 pm
Now all you got to find, is this sunbather!:-)

Schlafschlump f Hering.marking.jpg
Schlafschlump f Hering.marking.jpg (19.31 KiB) Viewed 3340 times

Postby Lia » Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:08 pm
I also noticed that the telephone smurf, which Lia showed can be doublemarked, also can have different size on the hering and made in Brazil markings. Smaller or bigger markings. :-? :D

Still as always cavitynumber 1.
The upper one, my double marked, does not have a cavitynumner :-?

Telefon Hering 2 versch.mark..jpg
Telefon Hering 2 versch.mark..jpg (59.58 KiB) Viewed 3338 times

Postby André » Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:21 pm
And no Schleich peyo markings??? Or??

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby André » Sun Nov 25, 2012 1:52 pm
Lia, how much bigger is the Familia house compared to these ones?

In Sweden the smurfs are blue ( and yellow).

Website: The collectors guide to the smurfs ( under construction) : http://thecursedcountry.com/

Smurfy blog: http://smurfblog.thecursedcountry.com/


Postby Lia » Sun Nov 25, 2012 2:10 pm
the length of the big house is 52 cm, while the small house is about 40 cm

and no, no peyo or schleich onthe double-marked phone


Postby Smurfysmurf » Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:40 am
Are these the "only" two houses for Hering Brazil smurfs or are there more? :shock:

Thanks for showing the differences, Andre :D
:hiya: Maureen :hiya:

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Postby Lia » Mon Nov 26, 2012 7:54 am
There are three, a big familia house , and two smaller ones, the smurfete house and the papai house ( I use the names that are wriiten on the houses)


Postby Tintin » Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:09 am

Never seen the papa house................
Love it :-D

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