me neither, they sound like fun thoughI have never seen those reverse auctions before. They sound like Belly Button technical things to me, you know how dim I am.

me neither, they sound like fun thoughI have never seen those reverse auctions before. They sound like Belly Button technical things to me, you know how dim I am.
Yep those smurfy haribo we had are lovely but sadly we hav'ent a full tub anymore so i'll definately be on the lookout for more next passion!I had some chewy smurfs in Belgium...mmmm..they tasted so good
Hi Linda, I know what you mean, they have reverse auctions on our local radio station every week. You can normally win a large TV for about £1.26 or a nice new car for anout £15!!!! I have tried a few times but it is a lot harder than it sounds. I know they make their money by the texts you have to send to enter. I am not sure how it could work with out this though.How about a reverse auction?? Have you seen them? You put an item up for auction and people bid the smallest amount they can think of...the catch is it has to be the smallest UNIQUE amount to win. So if two people bid 1c then its not the smallest unique bid. You have to pay the amount you bid in the end too to get the item.
I'm sure I could think of lots of other ways to embrass Dyar and raise money at the same time.
Foe example if I'm sure people would pay money to see him wear his black tutu on the plane over![]()
Now that is an excellent idea but we would need definate photographic proof........Foe example if I'm sure people would pay money to see him wear his black tutu on the plane over![]()
Well...according to my boss I am willing to turn up every day at work and go on the forum.C'mon Dyar what are you willing to do for money.......LOL
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