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Postby smurfwish » Tue Sep 12, 2006 6:57 am
Hi there one and all...I feel a bit rude even asking for your help having been off the forum for such a long time but suddenly though that you guys could offer some valuable input as I currently have brain freeze!
As some of you know, I have a visually impaired 16 year old son, Thomas. As I previously mentioned, he has an unamed syndrome that mainly affects his vision, but also his growth (6'9" now) and various other things. He has had an amazing year, as despite all the hospital appointments he is required to attend for his various problems he has managed (somehow) to pass all of his GCSEs. Wow a massive acievement in view of the fact that he missed so much schooling over the last 5 years. :clap: I was and am incredibly proud of him. However we currently have a major problem! This is a bit of a long story, but will put you in the picture.
During Easter he was invited to attend a revision course at an RNIB college. I sent him along for the 4 days, for which he cursed me all the way there, "Why Mum it's the holidays? etc etc". However he absolutely fell in love with the place and 4 days later didn't want to leave. He himself asked if he would be able to attend there for 6th form studies. Following an assessment in July at the college he was duly offered a place. We knew that the late application for funding would cause some issues with the relevant bodies but none the less, with the help of an advocate, jumped through the necessary hoops at great speed. With the promise of funding pending we dropped him off at the school, a 2 hour drive away, last Monday. As we arrived, the head informed us that the offer of funding by the appropriate government sector had been withdrawn owing to the fact that he was still statemented with the education authority. The school said that he could stay while we tried an alternative route to source the £81,000 needed to keep him there for 2 years. Back to the education authority and through more hoops and still nothing! Despite the fact that all local colleges have agreed that they are unable to i) support him and ii) offer him the same A level courses aswell as living skills and mobility skills, it still appears that the funding is not going to be made available and he will fall through the net! The case is being presented again on Thursday and should it fail he will have to leave the school on that day and believe me it wil break his heart. I am obviously determined not to let this happen and have spoken to the governors about the option of funding it privately. Obviously I wish I had that sort of £ but sadly not. Therefore my days and nights are taken up writing letters requesting donations of £81 from 1000 people. A task and a half when there are so many fraudsters doing the same thing.
What I therefore was wondering was whether or not any of you guys could think of other ways in which I could raise this, any companies, celebrities who you think may help etc etc. I can't think...for thinking. I have contacted a TV show here in the UK to air our views as to the way in which the system is failing people but their research etc takes time, something we are rapidly running out of.
Please let me know if you have a thought...

Many thanks

Maxine x

Postby Guest » Tue Sep 12, 2006 9:41 am
Hi Maxine

What about trying to contact Jordan for advice? I don't know whether she would reply but she would certainly understand what you are going through and might be able to offer help or publicity? You never know if you don't ask. Her fanclub is http://www.jordanfanclub.co.uk/

I think the problem is that £81 is a lot of money for just one person and I realise you need to raise the money fast, but you need publicity so you can hopefully raise a much smaller amount from a lot more people. I would also approach local businesses, anyone who makes products for the blind or visually impaired, companies that specialise in making websites adhere to the new disability laws. What might help is someone who needs the publicity as much as you do, but has the clout to get it.

Publicity is what you need. If I was in your position (and bear in mind I am a bit of a loony), I would think of something really obscure or outlandish, probably something that would verge on me getting arrested, just to ensure I got the publicity, but that's me, and you're no use to your son in prison. :D Have a good think about if there is anything completely bizarre you could do, which would be bound to gain attention, that's what I would do. Good luck. :D

Postby SMURFYSTEVE1 » Tue Sep 12, 2006 1:32 pm
Hi there Maxine congratulations on your son passing his GCSE's, that's absolutely fantastic :-D :cheers:
Sorry to hear of your predicament, perhaps you could contact your local MP to help make awareness of your situation. they could probably even point you in the right direction of how to raise the funds and gain publicity through business' in your area.
Karen's idea of contacting Jordan is also a good start too :-D
I wish you the best of luck :D

Smurfy regards
Steve :D
Postby smurfwish » Wed Sep 13, 2006 2:25 am
Thanks Karen and Steve :-D ...I have now emailed Jordan and am currently waiting (and hoping) for a reply! I have also tried to contact my local MP and indeed now taken it a step higher with the Minister for education. So here's hoping. :fingers:
Karen I am open to any ideas no matter how wacky or zany so please do tell. :cheerleader2:
Thanks again and I will keep you posted as to how we get on.

Maxine x

Postby Guest » Wed Sep 13, 2006 2:51 am
Hmmm... Let me think... You live in Surrey so not too far from London. I don't know what your son's name is, but say it was George, I'd probably make up signs saying "Who's George?" and then get members of my family and friends dressed up in different costumes, one possibly naked, and run round London like it. I'd put people outside the Radio Stations, outside the BBC, outside somewhere like Elstree Studios. And if you know anyone who is obviously blind or has a guide dog I'd also ask them if they would walk around with these signs on their backs. You're creating a mystery then that the media might chase. There's also the chance that no one will be interested, but if you find enough volunteers then you haven't lost anything (except perhaps the dignity of the naked one!). If the story is obviously in their face then you will get lost among the millions of people who have problems raising funds, you have to spice it up a bit to make it media worthy, sad but true.

Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Wed Sep 13, 2006 3:56 am
Congratulations on your son passing the GCSE's. :D I suggest you to contact BBC or the radio stations nearby, so that they may feature his story on any of their programs. I know people may be affected and will surely donate some money for his studies.

I'll pray for you.
Postby smurfwish » Wed Sep 13, 2006 4:28 am
:thanks2: Dominique for your kind words. As for your ideas Karen, not bad at all, certainly a way of getting attention for the right or wrong reaons :sprint: but having had 3 children I might leave the naked bit to someone else! It's not Greenpeace that I want to take notice after all! :woohoo:

Maxine x

Postby Guest » Wed Sep 13, 2006 4:31 am
I warned you I'm a loony!!! :lol3: :) :)

Postby Guest » Wed Sep 13, 2006 4:32 am
Hey Maxine ! Congratulations to your son on a great achievement ! :D

You sure can be proud of him ! :student:

I would not know were you could start, the media is a great idea that has already been suggested, make them notice you and your cause !otherwise, i would'nt know, but i wish you good luck ! :D

Sorry i cant help ! :-?

:-D :beer:

Postby Rachel » Wed Sep 13, 2006 11:56 am
Hi Maxine, I wish you all the luck with your cause, it must be so frustrating for you. :hug:

That is wonderful to hear your son did so well in his GCSE's, you must be so proud. :cheerz:

Like others, I would also say that getting the publicity is the trick but of course that is easier said than done. I do like Karen's idea of mystery though as it does need to be something different. :D
Why is it called "common sense" when it is so rare.......
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Postby Bunno Smurf » Wed Sep 13, 2006 7:52 pm
Hiya Maxine,

Congrats on your son's achievement. I hope you can get the system to work for you. I work in the education system and I know how frustrating it is to get funding for the children with special needs at our school.

On the lighter side, I don't know where you'll find someone to do the naked thing for you but I do know someone in the UK whos got a pretty pink tutu he could run around in :) :) :) :)
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby Guest » Thu Sep 14, 2006 1:16 am

:) :)

:-D :beer:

Postby Little lucie @ Simon » Thu Sep 14, 2006 2:00 am
Hi Maxine, congratulations on your sons great exam results. I hope you have success in your fund raising. Karen has some excellent ideas , you have great imagination Karen. I wouldnt know where to start. Steve's idea of contacting your local MP is a good idea too. We hope it all works out for you . Good luck , ps the naked Graham in a Pink Tutu running around London with a Tutu wearing Dyar sounds like a good idea. Dyar is stopping off on his way to Brussells isnt he ?? :) Lucie

Postby Bunno Smurf » Thu Sep 14, 2006 3:36 am
Hey Dyar, that might be a great way to cut your costs in half. I'm sure if you run around naked in the UK they will deport you for free :) :) :) :)
:star: LINDA :star:

Postby Syd Smurf » Thu Sep 14, 2006 7:52 am
Hey Dyar, that might be a great way to cut your costs in half. I'm sure if you run around naked in the UK they will deport you for free :) :) :) :)
Then again they may put me in a museum of freaks or something.

Good luck Maxine...I know you must be very proud of Thomas and I hoep things work out for you and youc an raise the proceeds.

Postby smurfwish » Mon Sep 18, 2006 5:16 am
Well I got a reply from the House of Commons. Hooray. Having constantly emailed them all day on Thursday, the reply came on Friday...fast moving hey!?!? Now all I have to do is see if their actions will match their words!
In the meantime I have managed to somewhat raise the profile of the whole matter and have a few funding irons in the fire.
Will let you know what happens. Many thanks for all your help, ideas, suggestions and of course laughs...well the thought of Dyar and Graham in pink tutus running around Downing Street is enough to make anyone smile :lol: :lol: :lol: You could see it now in the background of a political broadcast on News at Ten. :twirl: :omg:

Ta ra for now

Maxine x
Postby Ritter_Schlumpfenherz » Mon Sep 18, 2006 5:29 am
Well I got a reply from the House of Commons. Hooray. Having constantly emailed them all day on Thursday, the reply came on Friday...fast moving hey!?!? Now all I have to do is see if their actions will match their words!
In the meantime I have managed to somewhat raise the profile of the whole matter and have a few funding irons in the fire.
Will let you know what happens. Many thanks for all your help, ideas, suggestions and of course laughs...well the thought of Dyar and Graham in pink tutus running around Downing Street is enough to make anyone smile :lol: :lol: :lol: You could see it now in the background of a political broadcast on News at Ten. :twirl: :omg:

Ta ra for now

Maxine x
Wow, that sounds amazing!!! :D If only any German politician could react as fast as the House of Commons !!!!

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

Postby Guest » Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:03 pm
Hey Mad Max ! That sounds like great news ! Lets hope they deliver :D

As for running around Downing Street in my tutu, of course i would, especially for you ! :cheek: ( blinks eyelid, and blushes )

:-D :beer:
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